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Author Topic: X10 Extended Warranties  (Read 9000 times)

X10 Pro

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X10 Extended Warranties
« on: July 14, 2004, 04:37:57 PM »

Hey Folks,

Check out our new warranties, we just
started carrying 1, 2, and 4 year extended
warranties for our products. This is on top
of the one year manudacturer warranty that
comes with our product. We will warranty all
of your X10 product all the way up to
$10,000. If you already have X10 product,
you can purchase a warranty at anytime to
cover your product.

We are also carrying warranties for any 3rd
party electronics. Anything from an Xbox to
camcorders can be covered under these
warranties, even if it was purchased from
somewhere else. These are available for any
electronic item that has been purchased in
the last 10 days.

Below are the links on our website to the
different warranties. Additionally, we have
also setup a new department at X10 to handle
your warranty needs, our representatives
will tell you all you need to know and help
find the right warranty for you. You can
contact them via phone at 1-800-366-1846. We
welcome any questions that you have.

X10-ded Product Warranty:

Third Party Product Warranty:
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