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Author Topic: SHARE THE LUV!!!!  (Read 6468 times)

Kenneth Herring

  • Guest
« on: November 05, 2004, 07:48:05 PM »

Hey, All!  I don't mean to 'shout', but if
you've  posted a problem on this forum and
have  gotten good advice from it which
resolved  your issues, let the rest of us
know!  This forum is a two way street.
You've got a  problem, so you post it and
hope you can get  an answer. Some of us
think that, perhaps,  we're clever enough to
come-up with a  solution. If our advice is
of use, but you  don't post back and let us
know whether it  worked, or not, we'll never
know. If you  followed the advice and it
DIDN'T help; we  need to know that too,
because we obviously  need to go back to the
drawing board.  I don't know everything, but
I'm not TOO  shabby in the brain department
(sometimes).  If I give advice that works,
I'd like to  know so that I may learn from
it. If my  advice is wrong, I'd like to know
that, too,  because I can learn from that,
as well. I'm  sure anyone else that gives
advice in this  forum feels the same way.
It's not ego. It's  the two way street that
is the forum! An  exchange of
information/knowlege that helps  us all!
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