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Author Topic: Multiview Issue - PLEASE HELP  (Read 4415 times)


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Multiview Issue - PLEASE HELP
« on: April 14, 2005, 06:04:51 PM »

I purchased a 4 camera wireless kit and
multiview. I have confirmed that each power
adapter has different settings:

Camera 1 - A1
Camera 2 - A2
Camera 3 - A3
Camera 4 - A4

I have multiview set the same.... The issue
is: Multi view will only view one camera,
and it displays it in all 4 windows. If I
have all 4 cameras on, it only views the
closest one to the receiver. If I plug them
in only one at a time, it displays it with
no problem.

I was not told I need a firecracker unit as
the kit did not come with one, could this
be the problem ? What does the firecracker

Any help is appreciated.
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