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Author Topic: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!  (Read 15494 times)

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2005, 08:05:46 AM »

May have time today or tomorrow to play with
the SH10A. Will see what I can find out.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2005, 10:20:49 AM »

Some findings. The unit uses a Pizo Sounder
for making the sounds. It is a high
impeadance device that is driven by a high
voltage at very little current. I measured
about 25 to 30 Volts AC on the sounder when
sounding. My meter may not be totally
correct as it was probably a square wave. A
scope maybe a later test. It is driven by an
Autotransformer that has a common primary
and secondary connection. I don't think the
relay you are looking at will do anything as
it is a 5 volt one that take 90 Ma on the
coil. I may find something eles that can be
used. Also on a safety note. The module has
a line powered type power supply. The AC
Line [hot] lead is the common run on the
modules board. So care would be needed to
completely insulate anything exiting the
box. I maybe able to find a small SSR that
will fit inside it.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2005, 10:24:20 AM »

Oh one more point. The big brother PH508 has
a power transformer that isolates most of
the module from the power line and has an
unstuffed area on the main board for a relay
and the components needed to drive it. Even
on the back of the case you will see a
covered place where the output screws would


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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2005, 01:55:47 PM »

Sounds like we need to stay with the PH508
unit. I will await your suggestions on
hooking one up regarding a relay system. I
am amazed that the company has not put one
togather. The system initally appears to be
a good one otherwise.Thanks for the advice.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2005, 04:48:52 PM »

If you have not looked at PIGS Electronics
Tech-Tips they have a tip on adding the
relay to the PH508. I have not investagated
the voltage for the relay or one that may
fit the hole pattern yet.
I may have a way to remove the transducer
and transformer in the SH10A and replace it
with a relay. This is just an unproven
theory so far.


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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #20 on: May 30, 2005, 09:04:32 AM »

Yes, i checked out the Pigs site. It seems
like a lot to add insidde the box, but I
guess it will work. Is the output at 30
volts or does it mean the relay will handle
that much. Also, it does not specify the
relay needed.I await your opinion  or the
opinions of the other forum members as to
which unit to convert and the best way to
do it.
Thanks again

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #21 on: May 30, 2005, 10:47:37 AM »

I have looked at a few catalogs and found
notheing that exactly fits the hole pattern
and matches the pinouts for the coil and
contacts. The PH508 is an odd ball the relay
is driven from the +28 and -15 volt supply.
Total voltage across the coil is about 43
volts and R30 is in series with it. That is
most likely why it has to be a 1/2W. I have
found a few that I maybe able to patch in
and maybe one that I can substitute for the
sounder in the SH10A.


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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2005, 11:58:51 AM »

I checked on another formu site. They have
a Universal Module #UM506 which can do the
activation, but not sure if it resets
Any thoughts as to this idea.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #23 on: May 30, 2005, 06:28:25 PM »

In the X10 Support Area Manuals Section you
can find the UM506 Manual.
It can be set to turn on when it receives an
ON command on the House-Unit Code it is set
to and OFF when the off command is sent. If
the Security Light Code is the one set on
the UM506 it will turn ON and OFF as the
security light flash. Not exactly what you
wanted and if memory serves me when you arm
away it turns On the Light for a minute as
would the external siren.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2005, 07:08:31 PM »

Well I ordered some parts from my web
electronics place. I will let you know if I
find anything out. I hope that the low
current mini relay I am trying will activate
from the pulsing DC on the SH10A's
transducer. Also have some parts to try in
the PH508 for that route. I guess you could
use the UM506 to trigger a timer that would
not pulse on and off woth the security
lights unless pulsing the external siren is
acceptable. The arm away I think may still
be a problem.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2005, 04:51:32 AM »

Just checked my signal printouts from an X10
signal monitor. The DS7000 sends out an All
Lights ON and All Units OFF when triggered.
I don't think the UM506 responds to those
two X10 signals.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2005, 06:00:14 PM »

How about a Lamp Module with a 120 VAC relay
pluged into it? Set to the House Code but
not the unit code. The All Lights ON and All
Units OFF when triggered will pulse the
relay. Only thing maybe the relay didn't
draw enough current for the triac to turn on
and a 25 watt light bulb may also be needed
with the relay.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2005, 07:56:10 PM »

Tested a UM506 and it responds to On and OFF
commands on the House/Unit code it is set to.
Also the All Units OFF for the House Code it
is set to. Does not respond to an All Lights
ON or All Lights OFF command for the House
Code it is set to. Since the DS7000 sends a
All Lights ON and All Units OFF when
triggered The UM506 will not respond to that.

Brian H

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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2005, 03:41:21 PM »

Parts arrived tests to follow.


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Re: Is it a bird? Is it a cricket? No! It's the Powerhorn siren!
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2005, 08:40:43 AM »

Brian H:
Any conclusions on the hookup of an
external siren to the powerhorn units. I
remember you were experimenting with some
additional relays, ect. We are awaiting
break thru news.
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