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Author Topic: fresh&gentle has a question  (Read 3180 times)


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fresh&gentle has a question
« on: March 26, 2005, 02:29:20 AM »

well I was going to order but after reading
the message threads I do not think I will
buy for now.  but I must say I really like
the motion  sensors setting off the alarm
and dialing  calls to you.  Has anyone had
problems with these items?  window sensors
with alarm/wall motion  detection sensor.
lights flashing on/off  when activated and
the dialer...  please let me know
something..  thank you.

tom g

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Re: fresh&gentle has a question
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 10:46:08 AM »

Despite what you see on the other message
threads, I have had good luck with the
DS7000 security system. I have made a few
modifications for my own setup. but the
basic system works well. Be sure when you
set up the system to read the manual for
correct installation. The dialing function
works great for me. I have it first to dial
my cell phone, then the other two phone
numbers go to trusted neighbors. The listen
in feature is great also. Sure I would like
to see more features on the system. but the
basic system is good.
P.S. be  sure that all of your sensors are
with in the specified range of the DS7000


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Re: fresh&gentle has a question
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2005, 06:02:51 PM »

yes I agree, what you are seeing here are a
few people compared to the many that are
using the product.


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Re: fresh&gentle has a question
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2005, 11:26:41 PM »

I've had my DS7000 installed for a few weeks
and its working very well (at this point).
My system currently has 13 window/door
sensors installed.  I've only experienced one
problem so far.  I have power run to a closet
and would have liked it if I could have
mounted the unit on the wall of the closet.
(a wall mount is available for an extra $10)
Unfortunately, some sensors just never seemed
to be able to communicate with the console
using that configuration.  In fact, I do not
have a very large house and found it
challenging to find a spot in the house where
all door and window sensors would always
register.  In the end, I had to place it in a
centrally located room on a shelf (in the

My wife has set it off a few times, but NOT
for lack of 'ease of use'.  In the end, I'd
rather it call me -- than someone else when
she mistakenly triggers the alarm.

Using a W800RF32A and Homeseer, I'm able to
register my window/door sensors into a
software based controller.  My CM15A was not
very reliable (crashed weekly) so I gave it
up and bought the Smarthome PowerLinc USB X10
Interface instead.   Thus, I can now trigger
home automation events based on alarm sensor
activity.  Unfortunately, I had to purchase
all new hardware and software to get this
ability because its not supported in any X10
product that I've seen.

Basically, the alarm is a decent product at a
very good price.  If you watch the sales, you
can often find the window/door sensors for
$5/$6 each.  I believe that many of the
problems reported are due to faulty sensors,
underpowered batteries (rechargeables seem
especially prone to problems), and poor

Hopefully this helps.


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Re: fresh&gentle has a question
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2005, 03:52:54 AM »

OK, I broke down and bought the X10
protector plus, I must say I was very
excited when it arrived.
So far I have one window/door set up. one
motion detector set up,one lamp on/off set
up & the auto dial out program with my cell
# on all 4.
Here is what I found...
The motion detector works great! with the
home key or home remote. My lights blink
off/on and alarm sounds on home console and
the real surprise is when my cell phone
rings with my recording in about 7 to 10
seconds after alarm is triggered. great!
but I did not try the "listen in" by
pressing '0'.  get back to you on that later.
Disarm works great with both remotes.
lights 'on' work great with remote key from
out side my home..
only thing is I do not like is the siren
on the home console.
I would think the first thing to go after
would be the noise maker, thus tearing the
home console from the wall and not being
able to call my cell.
I would like to have another siren(s) some
place else to take away the home console
threat of phone line being pulled from the
wall jack.
Maybe this would help..  Any information
would be nice from your experience's with
this .
Otherwise I am happy to be a x10 owner and
now can leave my home and sleep at night
knowing Iwill be safe..

Thank you..



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Re: fresh&gentle has a question
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2005, 11:27:03 PM »

I have now tried the "Listen In"  by
pressing the # '0' once or twicewould cause
the alarm to stop after 4 seconds so I
can 'listen in to hear if some one is
actually in my home.
well, I played with the phone and is set
to regular 'mono' tone but nothing happen.
Not sure why or if this is the correct way.
The information book that came with my home
security system gave me no clue as to what I
can do or if Im doing it correctly.

If some one knows what I might be doing
wrong please could you let me in on the

thank you all once more.
this group has been very helpful.

PS>  I will be setting up the rest of my
window/door sensors on Sunday.  complete
total protection by Monday morning..I am
going to order 3more siren for the other
rooms so as to draw noise and attn away from
the home console unit when it alarms.
thank you..

pS. I still need to know if Im doing some
thing wrong to be able to listen in. I would
be most thankful for any information with
this.. thank you...
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