Well, I don't know if they are the best,
but they sure seem better, and less
expensive, in the long run, than any non-
rechargable batteries, I have ever used.
In other words, I have been very pleased
with the NiMH rechargable batteres. They
seem to last longer on one charge than a
non-rechargable Alkaline Battery.
Several years ago, I was displeased with
NiCD rechargeable batteries, but it seems
they now have it right, with at least NiMH
2000mAh rechargeable batteries.
Some NiMH batteries can recharge in 15
minutes. I started out using them for
Digital cameras, now I use them for almost
everything. They last until I lose them so
I hope this helps, and if someone else
knows better battery solutions they will
Good question.