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Author Topic: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10  (Read 24709 times)


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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2005, 08:24:32 PM »

BrianH - Do you have any connections with
RadioShack to find out if they are working
on a resolution for these problems with the

Brian H

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2005, 08:48:23 PM »

No not associated with Radio Shack or X10.
Just a hardware geek that likes to
investagate how thing work.
I don't know if you scan other messages here
and if you have time to maybe help.
This section [Security] is a message "Remote
Functions" and is questions on the 49-1000
and how things work as they found the manual
extremely skimpy on facts.


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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2005, 09:08:46 PM »

I called RadioShack's tech support
headquarters in Texas and they said they
new of the problem but didn't have a
resolution yet. They said to check back
every week to see if they had one. I asked
if they could post it on their web site but
they said they couldn't. I knew the answer
to question 2 for "Remote Functions" but I
would like to know the answer to his other
questions myself.

Brian H

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2005, 04:06:13 PM »

Mee to on the questions. OK a long shot
thought. Since the 49-1000 sends a security
lamp on off for two addresses in a row and
my line monitor shows the second address
being second has less time between the ON
and OFF. You may want to try the lamp module
for the sonic on the higher of the two
addresses just to see if it helps.


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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2005, 06:26:02 PM »

It's actually on the second address now. I
may go back to the first and see if it
changes anything.

Brian H

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2005, 06:41:52 PM »

Guess it is the timing being slower than the
ON OFF from the older consoles and maybe the
OFF command that I think was an all unit off.
I am going to double check that as soon as I
get a chance.


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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2005, 07:19:52 PM »

HI Jeff & Brian,

I am the one who posted "Remote Functions"
and have read this thread with interest. I
installed a low current piezo buzzer with a
lamp module in my bedroom because it is so
far from the console. Had the same problem
due to the leakage current, so I replaced
the lamp module with an appliance module. It
has a relay that appears to be isolated from
the load.

I intend to have my system call my son
(several states away) and have him
experiment to determine the answers to my
questions 1 & 3. However, I am leaving for
two weeks tomorrow so it will be closer to
the end of the month before I can post the

Are you interested?

Thanks for your help.



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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2005, 07:36:46 PM »

Sure. When you get the information. I would
also like to know the results. I did [for
another question on a DS10A] find that the
older DS10A and Keychain security remote
from the older DS7000 Kit are fine with the
new 49-1000 console.


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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2005, 10:07:21 AM »

Jeff, Since I am leaving tomorrow for
several weeks I re-read the manual. Also I
noted your early posting Apr 3 @ 5:46.

The manual states "These lights (security
lites)also blink on for a second when the
alarm is armed in the HOME Mode, or turn on
for the exit delay time when the alarm is
armed in the AWAY Mode". It appears your
only problem is with the design of the


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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #24 on: April 19, 2005, 06:44:56 PM »

I've been following this thread trying to
work out some "querks" with the RS 49-1000 as
well. I've also contacted Radio Shack tech
support about the issue. I was pretty
surprised all they could state is that it is
a "compatibility issue" and although they
clearly advertise the unit on their website
and on the box as being expandable to
external sirens they haven't been able to
tell me anything more. RS has not been able
to comment on if or when they will have this
issue resolved (I imagine the most feasable
way would be to issue a compatible siren
obviously, where they'll probably have to
collaberate with X10). I was told by a
Radioshack guy that X10 and Radioshack had a
"falling out" at one point where Radioshack
decided to design their own unit (the RS
49-1000), not sure how true this is. Anyway
I'm just pretty dissappointed that all RS
could say is "try it" with no specifics on
the issue or when or if they will resolve it.
Additionally they continue to falsely
advertise the product to be expandable to
external Sirens (a major deciding factor for
me personally). I purchased the smaller
powerhorn and have been able to get it to
work however it sounds for 10 seconds then
shuts off. I'm pretty torn, I kind of want to
take it back to RS for a refund since it will
not work properly however I also have some
hope that somehow I might be able to get it
to work properly. I wonder if there is some
sort of trick to get this to work properly. I
really like this alarm, the features, its
consistency for a wireless alarm, the price
and overall design execept this issue. I've
sent RS another email to ask more about the
issue and to express my dissatisfaction with
an otherwise very satisfactory unit (I doubt
they'll respond). I really hope one of us
will come up with something! Brandon

Brian H

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #25 on: April 19, 2005, 07:40:28 PM »

Look at any of your 49-1000 items for the
FCC ID# Starts with B4S. B4S is X10 Wireless
and a search for FCC nummbers find all the
items had a X10 Wireless as the grantee! The
RF Remotes in the FCC Database have
schematics and they are X10m Schematics!
Probably made to RS specfications.

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #26 on: April 19, 2005, 09:18:13 PM »

Brian, good find! I had no idea it was
actually made and/or designed by X10 (least
so we strongly suspect). I mean isn't
possible Radio Shack just licened X10's
technology which resulted in that FCC ID? If
that's the case then that's even more
dissappointing to me (the fact that it
doesn't work with its own brand of devices
it is supposed to/advertised to work with if
that's the case). I've yet to hear from RS
per my second email to their technical
support department regarding when or if they
are actually going to issue a siren that
works or recommend some sort of fix.
Thinking in the back of my mind previously I
was thinking that the unit could be actually
designed and/or made by X10 so just in case,
I emailed their tech support department as
well. Have yet to hear anything from X10
either on the issue. Of course thanks to you
we know "why" the 49-1000 is having this
issue. RS couldn't even give me that. Thanks
for all the good research/testing into this
unit and these issues, I'm sure you'll keep
us updated on any further findings! Brandon  

Brian H

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2005, 07:02:02 AM »

RS [web site] only lists them as compatible
with the older 49-2551A [looks like a white
version of the DS7000] and no mention of the

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2005, 05:46:13 PM »

Yeah, however the 49-1000 Alarm itself says
it's expandable to external sirens on the
RS website in its description and on the
box. Unless they just recently removed it
in result of myself (and probably others)
giving them a hard time (doubt it though).
I'm hoping they'll just issue a siren that
is compatible however I am doubting at this
time that they will. They didn't seem to
really care or have any information as to
when or if they will be doing anything.
They couldn't even elaborate on
the "compatibility issue", where you were
able to figure the entire issue out
yourself and figure out what's happening.
My last follow up email sent a few days ago
has not recieved any replies so it seems to
me that RS just doesn't care, regardless of
if they are basically falsely advertising
the thing (as far as I'm concerned).

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Re: SS-300 Sonic Outdoor Siren and X-10
« Reply #29 on: April 27, 2005, 01:33:41 AM »

UPDATE: Got a suggestion for you . . . Try
Radioshack's Universal "Plug N' Power"
Appliance Module $12.99 Catalog #: 61-3004,
MODULE FOR THE 49-1000, trust me I just
bought one and it works just fine without
any issues, is very consistant. It is a
little different than the LM-465 X10 unit
where it actually works properly with the 49-
1000 however same basic concept when it
comes to making a lamp flash etc. I know the
directions say use the LM-465 but this sends
out a "flashing" sequence to a lamp the same
way and should work fine in it's place (same
concept to activate it) however it is
actually fully compatible with the 49-1000
unlike other X10 sirens and lamp modules,
which should eliminate some of the "querks"
you are experiencing. For $12.99 at your
local Radioshack with the ability to simply
return it if it doesn't work I'd say it's
definately worth a try. If I don't hear
anything soon I'll probably be buying an SS-
300 and trying it myself soon. Let me know,

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