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Author Topic: Radio Shack Plug 'n Power system - phone noise  (Read 3254 times)


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Radio Shack Plug 'n Power system - phone noise
« on: December 10, 2005, 11:19:12 PM »

We have a Radio Shack security system (bought new) that
uses the dial-out (to programmed numbers) and listen-in
feature.  It's plagued with the following issues:

1.  A high-pitched whine on all phone messages on our
message machine.  The phones all sound fine, just
machine messages have interference.  We also get the
same interference when recording an outgoing message.
Unhook the Radio Shack base station and no more noise.

2.  the "chime" function works sometimes, sometimes not.
No predictability.  After not working for a day it will decide
to work on one or two zones - the only way to make it
fully operational is reset the entire system and remotes.

3.  We consistently get "There is a problem in zone (fill in
the blank - we have 7 zones)" message on the screen.  It
seems to mainly happen to sensors attached to aluminum
windows, although now it's started on one of the doors as
well.  If I open the sensor, press the button, close it up,
it'll *usually* work - if not I have to remove it from the
system and reinstall.

All this stuff is happening DAILY.  It's not right.  The Radio
Shack people have no clue what's causing any of it.  Short
of returning the whole mess, any ideas?  I like the idea of
how it operates and would really like to get it working.

Brian H

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Re: Radio Shack Plug 'n Power system - phone noise
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2005, 08:02:25 AM »

The new one 49-1000? Others have reported
problems. Also if it is the 49-1000 the two
X10 PowerHorns PH508 and SH10A will not work
correctly, unless the recent consoles have
been updated.


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Re: Radio Shack Plug 'n Power system - phone noise
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2005, 09:37:52 AM »

I've used this system and had problems #2
and #3.  #2 doesn't bother me so I leave it
be.  #3 is solved by re-installing the
sensor.  #3 could be due to bad batteries
or some metallic object interfering between
the line of transmission between sensor and
console (remember, the sensor has
to "check" in every so often to the
console).  But, the way you're describing,
this may be a defective console and worthy
of exchanging for another similar product.
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