I called HomeLink yesterday and they
indicated to me that any HomeLink equipped
vehicle should work with any X10 or Freewire
transceiver since neither X10 or Freewire use
rolling codes (only 1998 or newer vehicles
support rolling codes). I haven’t had a
chance to test this yet though.
Apparently the advantage of the “Vehicle
Interface” is that you can make a button
toggle between on and off instead of always
sending either on or off. I don’t know if
once programmed you can then use any
transceiver and get the toggling action, or
if you need to still use the “Vehicle Interface.”
To program HomeLink to send an X10 RF code,
you probably need to do the following (once
again I haven’t tested it yet):
1. For first time training, press and hold
the two outer HomeLink buttons, releasing
only when the HomeLink indicator light begins
to flash after 20 seconds. (Do not perform
this step when training the additional
HomeLink buttons.)
2. Position the X10 RF transmitter* 1-3
inches away from the HomeLink surface
(located on your visor), keeping the HomeLink
indicator light in view.
3. Using both hands, simultaneously press
and hold both the desired HomeLink button and
the desired X10 RF transmitter button. DO NOT
release until the HomeLink indicator light
flashes slowly and then rapidly. When the
indicator light flashes rapidly, both buttons
may be released. (The rapid flashing
indicates successful training.)
* Since pushing and holding keychain a
remote's button is used to program it, you
might need to use a PalmPad or similar remote.
For more information, see HomeLink’s website
http://www.homelink.com/ Let me know if you get it to work.