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Author Topic: Macro controls  (Read 5116 times)

paul warshawsky

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Macro controls
« on: October 12, 2004, 04:49:04 PM »

Would it be possible to allow macros to
send just unit codes and just function
codes - i.e. one button on a remote
sends "A1" and another sends "On".  This
would be usefull if you want to be able to
do a number of similar things with
different modules.

For example I have two baby rooms.  In each
of them, I want to be able to turn a lamp
on at 100%, dim the lamp to 30%, set it to
go off over 5 minutes, or turn it off
abruptly.  That requires 8 buttons.  If I
could use two buttons to identify which
room I want to control, then I only need
four buttons to tell it what I want to do.

It would also be useful to be able to
select a lamp that is not at 100% and be
able to dim or brighten it using the
dim/brighten button of a remote.  Currently
I would need to turn the light to 100%
first (by using the A1-On) in order to
control it with the dim/brighten button.  I
understand the light must already be on,
but lets say I'm putting my daughter to
sleep and the lamp is at 30%, and I want to
brighten it a bit to see something.  If I
could just send the A1 code, then the
dim/brighten button will work correctly.


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Re: Macro controls
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 06:07:05 PM »

This is an interesting set of ideas. I'm not
sure how much of it can be done with macros
stored in the interface, but I'll see what we
can do. It's not a remote control, but a
maxi-controller (model SC503) has separate
buttons for address commands, on, off,
bright, and dim so it can do exactly as you
describe. In most cases people don't want to
have to press two buttons to turn something
on, so our remotes don't do that, but I can
see the usefulness in your situation.


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Re: Macro controls
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2004, 08:17:02 PM »

Is there an update on this?

The big advantage of the Maxi-controller is
that you can sent out a series of addresses
then turn them all on at the same time
instead of one at a time.

Example, a Halloween display where you want
to switch a bunch of lights on or off at the
same time.


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Re: Macro controls
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2004, 09:41:12 PM »

Paul -
Couldn't you define two buttons (a1 on and
a1 off, for example) to select the room,
which would turn on or off flags, you could
then use four buttons to run conditional
macros based on which flag is on. This would
have the additonal advantage of doing both
rooms at the same time (by turning both
flags on first). You can have the
macro "flip" the state of the flag (if the
flag is on, turn it off, otherwise turn it
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