Cf wrote: “For that, we need the ability
to send addresses and commands
independently of each other.”
I was thinking about this and one way for
X10 to implement it would be similar to the
way RF Commands are generated in Macros.
When creating a macro, a “PL Commands”
selection could be available in the Room
List. From there, you should be able to
insert Address, Command and Extended Code
Direct steps in the macro. It could also
possibly include an Extended Code Scene
step thought that might be a bit more
An Address step should let you specify the
house code and unit code to send.
A Command step should let you specify the
house code and type of command (on, off,
bright, dim, all lights on, all lights off
and all units off. Status-Request and
Extended Code Status-Request would be more
difficult to deal with).
An Extended Code Direct step would let you
specify the house code, unit code, Data
byte and Command byte.