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Author Topic: We Are Here For You  (Read 43757 times)

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2005, 11:48:25 AM »

x10 Sales,

Welcome back! has a free online training course
that will bring your guys up to speed in a

As for suggested kits; it would depend on
what kind of contractor you are. Currently
on our site
you can see the many categories that we
support. If you click on electrician, it
will pull up a page specific to electricians
and includes suggestions for getting
started - such as the ActiveHome Pro Home
Automation System. Or you can select from 12
other categories.

Just pick your category and scroll down for
starter suggestions. Further, our telesales
reps are available to help you put together
a solution that is sure to please. They can
be reached at 800-675-3044.
Kelly Parke
X10 Contractor Program Manager

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2005, 01:01:59 PM »

X10 Sales,

To clarify POE compatability: X10 branded
products do not support 802.3af technology.
The references stated below point to 3rd
party products offered through our site.

And, to expand a little on training -
Here are some links to a wealth of
information on our x10 site:

Set-up instructions

Technical Support

Knowledge Base
Kelly Parke
X10 Contractor Program Manager

x10 sales

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #17 on: August 04, 2005, 11:12:03 AM »

Ah -- 3rd Party for POE compliant Products -
too bad. There goes our more
suppliers to manage. Can we purchase all the
products through X10?

By the way: the training links are
appreciated -- Thanks!!

X10 Sales

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #18 on: August 04, 2005, 12:26:51 PM »

X10 sales,

Please explain " more suppliers to
manage". How do you manage suppliers?

Making purchases on our site? Or just the
products that we list?

I'm glad you like the training links - this
too is under review for changes.
Kelly Parke
X10 Contractor Program Manager


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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2005, 05:49:38 PM »


Managing multiple vendors/suppliers on a
given project is common. We like to keep
the number to a minimum.

From your Forum Note dated 8/3/2005 10:01
AM, X10 branded  products do not support
802.3af technology. So, can we purchase
other vendor POE compliant x10 products on
X10's website?

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2005, 12:32:21 PM »


Hope your weekend was great!

X10 offers our brand of products along with
products from different manufacturers - all
of which you can order from our site.

On 802.3af POE compatible products,
specifically: X10 does not manufacture
products that support this technology, but
you can find other manufacturers on our
website that do by entering in 802.3af in
our search window (I think there are 9
products). The link is below for that search:

If you cannot load this url or you have more
questions about these products, please call
our talented tech support team at 800-442-
5138 or
Kelly Parke
X10 Contractor Program Manager

bob hamilton

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2005, 02:15:36 PM »

nks Bob Hamilton

bob hamilton

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2005, 02:20:57 PM »

Seems like my last message was too long so
I lost part of it. The point was that a
certificate from your company that we are
approved contractors for you would be a
tremendouse aid as a marketing tool for us.
What is the possibility of getting
something like that from you. Your prompt
response would be appreciated. Thanks Bob

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2005, 02:52:24 PM »

Bob Hamilton,

I am glad you asked this question because we
are in the process of evaluating our current
program. Are you looking for an
official "X10 certified" logo to put on your
site and printed materials? Or would you
like information in the installer search
that shows what kind of training you have?
Kelly Parke
X10 Contractor Program Manager


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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2005, 11:09:26 PM »

I agree with Bob - an "X10 Certified" logo
would be very nice, especially for web
presence / printed materials.




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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2005, 11:35:27 PM »

I have enough knowledge to install the X10
modules (wall switches, etc), however I am
not a licensed electrician. Can I still
install the modules or do I have to hire an
electrician to do it? I know how to install
everything and (most importantly) how to
configure a complete system (hardware &
software setup), but if I have to pay
someone else to actually install the modules
and then charge something on top of that, I
won't be left with much...

bob hamilton

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #26 on: August 18, 2005, 08:00:39 PM »

I have read youre feed back sections and
can see the range of productd you offer and
the advantagaes and dis-advantages of some
of the hareware and software of both. I
have been usng your products since since
before x1- was and beig marketer and used
such names ad "Raio Shack" as a cover for
thier own lack of R&D to develop a vial
product to use in the 1) home, 2 COMERCIAL

bob hamilton

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #27 on: August 18, 2005, 08:03:45 PM »

I have read youre feed back sections and
can see the range of productd you offer and
the advantagaes and dis-advantages of some
of the hareware and software of both. I
have been usng your products since since
before x1- was and beig marketer and used
such names ad "Raio Shack" as a cover for
thier own lack of R&D to develop a vial
product to use in the 1) home, 2 COMERCIAL

bob hamilton

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #28 on: August 18, 2005, 08:04:47 PM »

I have read youre feed back sections and
can see the range of productd you offer and
the advantagaes and dis-advantages of some
of the hareware and software of both. I
have been usng your products since since
before x1- was and beig marketer and used
such names ad "Raio Shack" as a cover for
thier own lack of R&D to develop a vial
product to use in the 1) home, 2 COMERCIAL

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: We Are Here For You
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2005, 01:22:50 PM »

X10 offers the contractor database and
referral service as a courtesy and only for
informational use and reference. It is up to
the customer to decide if your
qualifications suit their needs. Having said
that, we are looking into a certification
program that would require specific -
verifiable - credentials in order to
advertise an "X10 Certified Installer" logo.
This would be in addition to the program
that is currently in place.
Kelly Parke
X10 Contractor Program Manager
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