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Author Topic: Ebay  (Read 15264 times)


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« on: August 12, 2005, 12:13:59 AM »


I am a potential new reseller. I was very
excited to see that you had a reseller
program in place. I was conducting my own
research on Ebay and it looks as if your
products are being marketed there by X10 at
the same discount price you are offering
your resellers. Here is the URL-->

If this is happening, how do you expect to
give value to your reseller? If I am missing
something please enlighten me. I would hate
to miss out on an opportunity.

I do see how I could make $75 on every $500
I invest but I do not like that risk. I
would not want to keep that much product on
hand. I am looking to keep zero inventory if
possible and ship directly from your
location. My value that I add is that I am a
Microsoft Certified Software Solutions
Developer and could develop custom solutions
to interface with your products. Please
advise on how I could best embrace this
opportunity to do business with X10.

Best Regards,
James E. Davis

Kelly Parke | Program Manager

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Re: Ebay
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2005, 08:14:11 PM »


The X10 Contractor program is set up for
installers of our products, whether your
business operates out of your home or you
have a retail location. The X10 Contractor
Program helps you to build your business and
take advantage of the multi-billion dollar
home technology industry by offering you
volume discounts.

If you choose not to take on inventory, we
have a great affiliate program for you!
Paste this url into your browser address
field and check it out:
Kelly Parke
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