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Author Topic: two remotes - different functions  (Read 15414 times)


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two remotes - different functions
« on: June 24, 2005, 12:16:22 AM »


What I'd like to know if it's possible that I
could determine which remote had sent a
command , so that I could remap the command
on the basis of the remote.

I understand that the credit card remotes
have a home id and a user id that can be set.
What I'd like to be able to do is for button
1 or remote A to trigger action 1 and for
button 1 or remote B to trigger action 20.

Does the sdk provide a way for me to do this?
Do the remotes send the house id and user id
when they send their message?



donald mcmow

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Re: two remotes - different functions
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2005, 10:49:45 AM »

USER ID????? Maybe a UNIT ID. As long as
your remotes are set up to send different
house and unit codes - just create a macro
to do the required action.

Remote "A" push button 1 turns on the hall
light. Remote "B" push button 1 turns on
the bathroom light. Remote "A" push button
2 turns off the hallway light. Remote "B"
Push button 2 turns the bathroom light off.
You decide what the required action does
based upon your button press "trigger" and
set it up. The only thing is that you can't
have the remotes addressed to the same
house/unit codes and get a different action
if the same button is pressed on each
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