I have since updated this Smart Macro to a B14 Trigger as a result of the PR511 operates
differently than other modules;
Reference Post:http://www.x10community.com/forums/index.php?topic=7961.0Thought I would share my Smart Macro for my Living Room Lights.
Seen earlier posts requesting screen shots and such.
Env Overview:WinXP SP2
AHP 3.201
CM115A (AHP USB Interface)
Floodlight (PR511) – B13 , Active from Dusk to Dawn
Living Room Light (WS12A) – A3
Since the Floodlight is set to B13, I have set the #1 switch on the Floodlight in the "in" position (ON)
and switches 2-4 "out" (OFF)
The only ON signal received after motion is detected from B13, will be B14 (Floodlight switch 1 "in" position)
Requirements:Living Room Lights off Every night at 12:00am.
When person or car comes up driveway from Dusk to Dawn;
Floodlight turns on
IF time between Dusk and 11:00pm AND Living room lights are currently ON THEN
Dim Living Room Lights by 50%
Turn Living Room Lights on to 100%
ELSE IF time between Dusk and 11:57pm AND Living room lights are currently OFF THEN
Turn Living Room Lights on to 100%
ELSE IF time between 12:03am and Dawn AND Living room lights are currently OFF THEN
Turn Living Room Lights on to 100%
Wait 5 min, turn Living Room Lights off
Timers:Living Room Lights OFF every night at 12:00am
Macros:LV Lights ON (Trigger A3 ON)
LV Lights OFF (Trigger A3 OFF)
Smart Macros:FL LV Lights ON (Trigger B14 ON)
FL IF LV Lights Are OFF (Trigger B14 ON)
FL LV Lights ON After Mid (Trigger B14 ON)