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Author Topic: DS7000 Console and Remote....  (Read 18290 times)


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DS7000 Console and Remote....
« on: March 02, 2006, 03:04:39 PM »

I registered the Security Remote as be instructions and I got the one beep as I should have. When I test the remote with the slider on the console set to Run 1, and press the Arm Away switch, instead of the console beeping once it continually beeps about every second. I have gone throught the instructions half a dozen times even pressing the small "Code" button as suggested. The light hooked to the lamp module works OK. Any help would be appreciated.........Wayne


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Re: DS7000 Console and Remote....
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 06:43:55 PM »

Hi Wayne.

It sounds like you're hearing the countdown beeper, letting you know you have 40 seconds left to leave the house before the system is activated. That means your system is working. Try switching the MIN/MAX switch on the Remote to MIN, that will take away the delay. Remember the alarm will go on immediately then. If you want to leave it like this then arm it from outside with the keychain remote.

Hope that this is it. You might also check out, we have some extended info on the setup there.

Best regards,

X10 Security Systems Advisor


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Re: DS7000 Console and Remote....
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 02:34:26 PM »


This happens to me quite often too.  When it does, usually one of the zone lights is on, not because of a window/door is open nor because of motion in front of a detector, but my guess is that I have tried to set the alarm when the controller is scanning one of the sending units as it does every 45 minutes (I think I read this somewhere.) The first thing I do is hit disarm away  and for good measure disarm home.  A minute or so all of the zone lights will be off and I can try to arm again.  For me, patience is the key. 


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