Thanks for the responce!
I guess I took to many word short cuts in my post but yes I am going to C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10\DriverInstall\VA11A Video Capture. And yes that is NOT working. It is like what ever drivers it wants are not located in that folder no matter what ways I've tried... The folder has 8 files in it, da506a.cat, ca506aa.sys, ca506a.inf, ca506av.cat, ca506aa.cat, ca506av.inf, ca506aa.inf, and ca506av.sys. Does that sound right? When I try to update the driver per the instuctions it comes back saying that it can not continue and that the it could not find a better match then the software you currently have installed...
The other odd thing is that when I open the AHP it asks to finish installing my ati remote controll which I removed sometime ago... so I'm going to look into that as maybe something that is messing things up... When I was playing with that about a year ago I was having trouble because it kept thinking it was x10 hardware. Before I started this project with the VA11A starting the AHP did not cause this to happen?

Maybe I'll look into that before doing anything else with this issue.
I'm not really interested in using this on the windows ME machine it was just to see if it would work there and while it installed it crashed before getting to the desktop on the reboot...... but let's not worry about that as I really want this working on my xp machine, and that is where the software resides.