AHH to be 12 again! seems like only yesterday!
I think thread title explains the " this!"(helpful tips and suggestions)

Paul: Sorry if I got under your skin! ( it was not intended)

So...we don't give a dern what is coming. Only care about helping with the fact we spend big bucks on these products and they don't work. We need help, not sarcasm or promises.
To my Knowlege
None of the Community Organizers are on the X10 payroll! we are just tring to help users such as your self! The only sarcasm I've read has been from frustrated users or users repling to such!

! X10 products certainly aren't top of the line so "big bucks" could be bigger, if you went another route!

There is a real problem here and all I sense is ho-hum from the seller.
I'm sorry you feel that way! X10 has at least opened a public forum for users to express there problems to help get this up to par. Something others haven't done.