Could be noise or the repeater itself. I have two of them and both at times had a flickering Red LED. In my case the A Phase. Cycle the power all is well. One day just went away and has been fine for a few years now?
I had a new problem recently with garbaged messages and sometimes the Green Transmit LED Phase B stayed on. In my case traced to a defective RR501 Transceiver. New one was fine.
In my tests I had a TesterLinc and it showed things like bad start code bad crc and other things. New RR501 all is well. So if you have any way to monitor the powerline for things like messages being messed up it may help
For me, it turned out that the 4826B
does not play well with my LM14A 2-way Lamp Modules.
No problems with any of my other modules, just the LM14A's.
In playing around with it, the problem appears to be between the LM14A's trying to return status,
and the 4826 trying to repeat that status. The LM14A "sees" the repeat as a collision, and subsequently
tries to return status again. The 4826 tries to repeat it again. Etc. Etc. Until you unplug either
the LM14A or the 4826.