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Author Topic: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro  (Read 88508 times)


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2006, 05:25:37 AM »

Personally, I'd rather they change the programs so that any video capture can be used.

I use a TV card to capture my camera's videos and save it to my FTP site, that way I can access it when I'm away from

But it would be nice to see live video on MyHouse using my TV card though.


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #31 on: October 31, 2006, 11:47:19 PM »

Puck, I couldn't agree more. My first post was that I too have a video capture card in my computer and would prefer to use it.
Trying to get the people at X10 to listen to us is the hard part.
I know from dealing with them in the past, it is hard for them to even maintain a database of customers.
I don't think that they are concerned about the existing customer's need.
They are more concerned about getting new customers.
If they do not listen to our suggestions, then it will be their loss when we tell people not to buy their products.
I think I have expanded my home automation system to it's max using X10's technology.
It looks like I might have to research other avenues to continue my expansion.


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2006, 12:49:35 AM »

Wow....reading through this post was like a rollercoaster ride and I still don know if I got burnt or not. I just ordered (last night) this package for $49.99

1 ActiveHome Professional Computer Interface and USB Cable (CM15A)
1 Smart Wireless Repeater (SR731)
1 ActiveHome Professional Software (SW31A)
1 Smart Macro Software Module for ActiveHome Pro (SW32A)
1 iWitness Software Module for ActiveHome Pro (SW33A)
1 myHouse Online Software Module for ActiveHome Pro (SW34A)
3 Slimline Wireless Wall Switches

Reading through the information on the deal page it says, as others have stated, NOTHING ABOUT NEEDING THE USB INTERFACE so can anyone offer advice as to how they recently solved this problem?(short of buying it)  I noticed the X10 administrator replied "Also, I've passed this information on to our marketing manager so he can check and make sure that the kits that need the VA11A have it." but I just asked customer service via chat window and they said it is NOT included?

Here is a link to the page with my deal on it:


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2006, 08:31:40 AM »


Hi, although I have a perfectly working system anyway, I bought the same package just for fun and the free hardware. You could sell the hardware you got for almost that price on ebay (new /unopened).

For iwitness you will need the VA11A. What I did? Bought at EBay for around $37 shipped for a new one (less for used).

If you are interested in security modules, I also found the OnAlert plugin there for $20 (but no "free" hardware like X10).

RETAIL (which a few uninformed pay) on just the hardware you got is greater than the $49.99. Plus no shipping, no tax.

Burnt? I don't think so, but it would be better if they included everything you needed to use the software. Still I think this is one of the best deals I have seen in a while, which is why I ordered it.

You can always TRY to get them to throw a VA11A in.  ;D


« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 08:33:30 AM by glt »


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2006, 09:54:04 AM »

I'm sorry but this is just irresponsible sales/ marketing tactics and it pisses me off.
In todays world of "the informed consumer" there is no reason for this other than to fraudulently boost sales and that is the bottom line.This is no different than some sleazy used car dealer offering a deal on a car or truck and upon picking up the vehicle realize there is NO ENGINE>>>> Actually its worse because with the car you would realize it before you pay because you would test drive it, with this there is NO WAY to tell until they have your money...   I cannot believe that with all the freakin information on their website someone "forgot" to include this information for the Iwhitness AND OnAleart :-\

Sorry about that......No.... you are right, it is a heck of a deal on its own but its just not a responsible way to do business. I haven't dealt with x-10 in a while but I do have 3 color cameras, the security system (DS7000), and active home (old) all of which I have been satisfied with and I believe are good products (for the price) but I distinctly remember thinking " Imagine what these guys could do if they did away with the childish pop ups and teene bopper marketing it really cheapens their product image"
Thanks for the reply and advice


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2006, 10:34:03 AM »


Looks like two people there...

To be clear you can use AHP, the smart macros, AND MyHouse online in the included package WITHOUT anything else (oh wait, you need some lamp or appliance controllers, guess X-10 forgot to mention that) !

Some people bought AHP and THEN bought smart macros and THEN bought myhouse and THEN bought iwitness..etc.

Sooner or later they will probably throw in OnAlert, but I wanted the SR 731 repeater now.

Yep, heck of a deal - like all my X-10 purchases.



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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2006, 11:28:11 AM »

To be clear you can use AHP, the smart macros, AND MyHouse online in the included package WITHOUT anything else

" (oh wait, you need some lamp or appliance controllers, guess X-10 forgot to mention that) !"

what is that supposed to mean? I hardly think its a fair comparison.......selling a software product and forgetting to mention that you need hardware to use it is completely different than your snide remark above.... For all I know (and the average person ordering ) the interface does all the work..


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2006, 11:44:33 PM »

Received the adapter, took three telephone calls to get the software:  QUESTION:  iI cannot register the software, and ideas how.  I put in invoice number plus the -1 and it does not work.

QUESTION 2.  What software is needed to run the video cameras with the video adapter.

QUESTION 3.  Is there anyway to see if you video adapter is working properly, i.e., another program

Tks in advance.


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #38 on: November 11, 2006, 11:29:24 AM »

If you live in Illinois and purchased this kit you have recourse.  Go to Attorney General Lisa Madigans web site and download the Consumer Fraud complaint form.  Fill it out and mail it.  It is very simple.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2006, 03:35:03 AM by Albert10 »


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #39 on: November 11, 2006, 02:07:52 PM »

You should also be able to get our sales staff to help the correct the problem -- (800) 675-3044. Also, I've passed this information on to our marketing manager so he can check and make sure that the kits that need the VA11A have it.

If you passed it on in April it must have gone by the scenic route.  I just got burned on this package in November.  I am taking my complaint to the Illinois Attorney General, Consumer Fraud division!!!
« Last Edit: November 17, 2006, 04:08:30 PM by Albert10 »


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Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2006, 06:45:42 PM »

Received the adapter, took three telephone calls to get the software:  QUESTION:  iI cannot register the software, and ideas how.  I put in invoice number plus the -1 and it does not work.

QUESTION 2.  What software is needed to run the video cameras with the video adapter.

QUESTION 3.  Is there anyway to see if you video adapter is working properly, i.e., another program

Tks in advance.
    [li]Answer1: Order number plus -1 does not always work as a registration number.
     e-mail support with your order number and ask for a new registration number
    . [/li]
    [li]Answer 2: Any web cam software will work if it can see the VA11A
    To use AHP you need the iWitness plug-in
    [li]Answer 3: Windows moviemaker can see your cams with the VA11A
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    Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
    « Reply #41 on: December 19, 2006, 12:01:31 PM »

    You should also be able to get our sales staff to help the correct the problem -- (800) 675-3044. Also, I've passed this information on to our marketing manager so he can check and make sure that the kits that need the VA11A have it.

    If you passed it on in April it must have gone by the scenic route.  I just got burned on this package in November.  I am taking my complaint to the Illinois Attorney General, Consumer Fraud division!!!

    Same thing here, except I'm not going to complain to a legal person, I'll just get the VA11A. BUT! I just got my Active Home system, and I was not aware that I needed the VA11A! This was a "Special offer for the CM15A. All is good, beautiful software (so far, from what I've seen) but when ever I open the program, I get an error message that the USB interface (VA11A) isn't plugged in. I didn't know what I was loading when I put all those programs in. Simply put: X10 shouldn't send software for hardware that we don't have! But nice software, so I'll look on ebay, as all of us know that a USB to RCA adapter is sure not worth $50.00. Last word: Note that this issue has been causing problems and hard feelings since last April! Also, it's very difficult to make any sense out of, or to get any info, from the website, X10 is to busy with all their high pressure pop-ups!


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    Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
    « Reply #42 on: September 10, 2007, 08:14:06 PM »

    I'll save some space on the page by saying I agree with almost every post in this thread.

    Personally I have an additional gripe because I own the previous version of the cable (VA11 I THINK) and it DOES NOT WORK WITH THIS SYSTEM. That REALLY ticks me off. Why would X10 kill off an item that could be easily tied in.

    Actually I don't see why ANY camera couldn't be used like most webcam systems.

    SLAM ... soapbox is back in the closet.

    Thanks for allowing me to rant. I'm off to eBay and see what I can get a cable for.


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    Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
    « Reply #43 on: September 15, 2007, 05:08:44 PM »

     This Problem still exists.   Maybe I read the adv wrong, but ???

     I purchased ;
    Qty Description Part

    1 ActiveHome Pro Computer Interface and USB cable CM15A
    12 Door/Window Sensor DS10A
    1 Multi-Camera Instructions IN47A
    4 Security Keychain Remote KR10A
    2 Lamp Module LM465
    2 Security Surveillance Window Yard sign MM023
    3 Security Surveillance Decal MM024
    2 Wireless Motion Sensor MS10A
    1 EagleEye Motion Sensor MS14A
    1 Voice Dialer Console PS561
    1 Mini Powerhorn SH10A
    1 Security Remote Control SH624
    1 Slimline Switch Decorator White SS13A
    1 VCR Commander II UX23A
    1 VideoReceiver with AC Adapter VR31A
    1 XCAM2 Camera w/PS (XM13A) XX16A
    1 Battery Pack with adapter

    ( Carl ) My order 3265101 Did not come with the needed USB VGA Adapter VA11A, Can the iWatch software work witout it? The adv said control your Xcam with the $50 package. I ordered much more.
    ( Nakita ) Give me a minute to find your answer
    ( Nakita ) No it wouldnt work
    ( Nakita ) not without the va11a
    ( Carl ) Why wasn't it included as your adv stated ?

    ( Carl ) [ADV]The best 50 bucks you'll ever spend! It all starts with ActiveHome Pro. This software lets you control your entire home from your PC! Control all your lights and appliances from right at your desk! You'll even be able to turn your PC into a surveillance monitoring system! With iWatchOut, you can monitor and control your cameras and even record video!

    ( Carl ) [ADV] For only $49.99, you can't beat this deal! Warranty: 1 year Features: Come home to a warm well-lit home - get online from work to turn up the heat and turn on the lights before coming home Watch over your home from anywhere in the world - get online to monitor and control your X10 surveillance cameras (sold separately) Where is the needed VA11A ?

    ( Nakita ) you dont get it because you may not have cameras so its just the starter kit

    ( Carl ) I purchased the Xcam indoor/outdoor.
    ( Nakita ) ok that doesnt matter if you only purchase active home pro than you dont get the va11a

    ( Carl ) The adv I posted was the starter kit & it stated I could control the camera, watch, & record the video. I purchased the audio/video rcvr also. The adv is then false & that is illegal

    ( Carl ) I guess the old saying " Let the buyer beware" applies to X10

    Am I out of line in expecting the ADV to be true?



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    Re: BYER BEWARE of iWitness bundled with ActiveHome Pro
    « Reply #44 on: September 28, 2007, 06:27:26 PM »

    To all those upset with X10 (mostly to those who even plan to take legal action)

    Everyone is upset that the USB adapter was not included. Boo-hoo. Of course you need a way to connect the video to your computer! You can't blame them for your ignorance. For those of you whining about false advertising, and threatening to sue,

    Do you sue video game companies when you buy a game and it doesn't come with a mouse and keyboard to play it with???

    X10 provides A LOT of information about their products. If you are willing to spend your money on-line, do some research!!! Many camera packages come with the USB adapter, but not all of them. This is good, because if you already have one and want to expand your system, you don't need another one. If every package that could use one came with it, many people would be paying for extras.

    I also re-sell X10 products (and yes, it is frustrating that software is registered to the reseller who originally bought it from X10), but overall their products and support are great. For those of you interested in making a purchase, don't let this forum stop you.

    What you need:

    -wireless video receiver (if your camera is wireless)
    now you can connect your video to a TV, VCR, etc..

    -USB video adapter
    -software (VanGuard, AHP...)
    now you can connect your video to a computer

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