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Author Topic: <sendrf> not working CM15a  (Read 42060 times)


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<sendrf> not working CM15a
« on: May 16, 2006, 12:51:21 PM »

I was almost certain this was working yesterday.

Isn't the CM15A supposed to be able to send radio frequency signals. It receives them fine now from external devices. But now the software command to <sendrf> "X10 address" just does nothing. Nada. Zilch. Here's a copy of my VB6 code for the receive event and the reported events.

Private Sub ActiveHome1_RecvAction(ByVal bszAction As Variant, ByVal bszParm1 As Variant, _
    ByVal bszParm2 As Variant, ByVal bszParm3 As Variant, ByVal bszParm4 As Variant, _
    ByVal bszParm5 As Variant, ByVal bszReserved As Variant)
    If bszParm1 = vbNullString Then bszParm1 = "null-1"
    If bszParm2 = vbNullString Then bszParm2 = "null-2"
    If bszParm3 = vbNullString Then bszParm3 = "null-3"
    If bszParm4 = vbNullString Then bszParm4 = "null-4"
    If bszParm5 = vbNullString Then bszParm5 = "null-5"
    If bszReserved = vbNullString Then bszReserved = "Reserved-Null"
    Debug.Print bszAction, bszParm1, bszParm2, bszParm3, bszParm4, bszParm5, bszReserved
End Sub

recvrf        a1            On            -1            5/16/2006 4:26:25 PM        null-5        Reserved-Null

I thought once the CM15A received the signal--the above event came from a remote control (KR22A)--it was supposed to respond and automatically do a <sendplc> in response to the <recvrf>. But now the only way I can get a recvrf response is from an external device. The software command is no longer producing a <recvrf> response.

Is there a way to reset the CM15A. Maybe it just needs a hardware reset. Or maybe the <sendrf> circuitry burned out on me. Is there a way to confirm this? I've only been testing this CM15a for a few days. I've been putting it through the hoops. I was hoping it would stand up.




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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 01:19:48 PM »

there is a hardware reset requires unpluging the unit both from the wall and PC then removing the batteries and  then replace in reverse order.
Try using the "ahcview.exe" found in the bin sub folder of the SDK. It will verify if the cm15a is recieving if so it might be something in your coding, if not do the reset thingy! ;)
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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2006, 01:43:16 PM »

What exactly is the reverse order?

1. Put the batteries back in.
2. Plug the CM15A in to 115V AC
3. Plug usb cable in to computer.

Is that the correct order?
Is this a documented feature of the CM15A?  :)



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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2006, 01:51:57 PM »

1. Put the batteries back in.
2. Plug the CM15A in to 115V AC
3. Plug usb cable in to computer.

Is that the correct order?
This is well documented reset you may need to wait a while before you replace the batteries as some users find this makes a difference.
If you do a search on the forums in the AHP section for "cm15a reset" you should find more on this.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2006, 01:56:22 PM by Tuicemen »
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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2006, 04:17:10 PM »

Well, I tried that. Didn't work. >:(

Compiled the ahcmd.exe program and tried it.

I receive the same results as my vb6 code: the <sendrf> just is not working anymore.

Well, I did get the computer to send an rf code. But apparently the CM15a is not sending the plc after receiving the rf code. The reason I say this is that I hooked up an RR501 Transceiver and set the House Code to A. The software sent the radio refrequency to the CM15A, The cm15a sent the rf command to the 501 and the 501 sent the power line code through the AC wire to the <a1> light. It turned off by the 501.

However, this is not what X10 Advertises:

Yes, it's true. Big things really do come in small packages. It's remarkable what we've been able to pack inside the NEW ActiveHome Pro Computer Interface. First, take your old transceivers, for example (TM751 or RR501). You used to need one for every house code. No more. This interface will send and receive ALL 256 house/unit codes and even take the place of the PC Transceiver (CM19A) for controlling X10 Cameras.

Anyway, check out our new app for Pool Halls. It now has CM15A support for turning on and off the lights. Everybody has been asking when we would get support for the CM15A. Now here it is!

I did want to put some extra code in for <sendrf>, but I guess I'll have to wait. Can't sell what don't work! Well, I could. But I shouldn't.
By the way. This program (the pool program) is in testing. Just want to make that clear. I still have to clean up some of the tab functions. So if you see that problem in the Sales Tracker. I haven't fixed it yet. The stable version works. But this has updated code that hasn't reached distribution stability. But the CM15A is turning the lights on and off by the "Power Line Code." :)


« Last Edit: October 20, 2006, 03:48:44 PM by hkactive »


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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2006, 09:00:47 PM »

Well, maybe the <sendrf> was working all the time. I was just confused. Wouldn't be the first time.

I guess what I need to know is the following: Is the <sendrf>  , "command", <x10 address>  supposed to automatically make the CM15a generate a <sendplc> command.

The RecvAction event is fired when I send a <sendrf> command. But only when my 501 transceiver is set to the same house code as I'm sending. If the 501 is set on House Code B when my sendrf is sending to House Code A, then I don't see any RecvAction event.

But based on that event you could write code in the ActiveHome1_RecvAction Event to send a power line code to turn on or off that address based on the returns written to the various parameters from the event.

I thiink the only reason I thought the sendrf was working the other day and then quit was because I had a 501 transceiver setup in the other room: the Cm15a was sending an rf code to the transceiver and the 501 was turning the light on--not the CM15A.

If it's true that the sendrf does not automatically generate a power line code for the CM15A, then the sendrf would be most useful for switches that respond to radio frequency codes and are not dependent on power line codes. I guess then my next question would be, "Do any of those animals exist?"




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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2006, 11:51:59 PM »


Is the <sendrf>  , "command", <x10 address>  supposed to automatically make the CM15a generate a <sendplc> command.

No, when you tell the CM15A to "sendrf" it does just that send the RF command out. If you want the "PLC" command to be sent you use the "sendplc'

When you use the "sendrf" or "sendplc" you will not see a receive action on the CM15A because it's doing the sending.

The RecvAction event is fired when I send a <sendrf> command. But only when my 501 transceiver is set to the same house code as I'm sending. If the 501 is set on House Code B when my sendrf is sending to House Code A, then I don't see any RecvAction event
What your seeing is the 501 receiving the RF command from the CM15A, then the 501 puts it out as a PLC event that the CM15A is receiving.

If it's true that the sendrf does not automatically generate a power line code for the CM15A, then the sendrf would be most useful for switches that respond to radio frequency codes and are not dependent on power line codes. I guess then my next question would be, "Do any of those animals exist?"
Correct the CM15A does not generate a PLC command if it is the one generating the RF command.  If you where to use a RF remote then the CM15A would receive the RF command and transeive (if setup) it to a PLC event.

Other than the RF devices like the VCR Commander, TM751 or RR505 transceivers,  there's not alot of use for the "sendrf" from the CM15A.

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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2006, 09:50:39 AM »

If your sending a rf command to your cm15a and it isn't responding try opening AHP and checking the "hardware configuration" make sure under "transcieved housecodes" that the housecode you wish to recieve the rf signals from is checked. Check the "specific" check box as well then upload to the interface(CM15A) that may be the problem.
As Billy stated the Cm15a will not respond to a rf command it send out with sending a plc.
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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2006, 01:06:24 PM »

tried your program but get an "error #429ActiveX component  can't be created" message at start up
I get the same message in the database maintenance neither message box will close with out ctrl/alt/del
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Thanks for trying it out.
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2006, 01:22:41 PM »

I don't know it works on mine.

What platform are you on?
I've got it running with Windows 2000.

Quite possible I did not set up the install program correctly to register the active home.dll.

I'll check it out. But you might try using regsvr32.exe to register the dll manually use regsvr32.exe /? for help on using  this command.

Thanks for the report.

See if I can't get it debugged.


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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2006, 01:30:56 PM »

I'm using XP pro  I'll try a reload as it had a conflict with AlertDialerPlus when installing if that don't work I'll try the manual dll register trick
Ok found the problem I think active home.dll isn't being installed  ???
« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 01:34:22 PM by Tuicemen »
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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2006, 02:10:23 PM »

I think I found the problem.

That installer does not install some Microsoft Data Access components (MDAC) components. We just use it for updates to systems that already have them installed. Just installed it on an XP system and didn't receive those errors. But it already had the necessary MDACs.

If you'll install using this setup program, this setup program will install the necessary MDAC's.

The new windows installer isn't compatible with our Microsoft Data Access components.

I'll go ahead and post a in the same testing folder. It's a larger file because it has the necessary files for the MDAC installation which the newer Windows Installer will not handle.

Yep, finally able to finish testing on that computer. Had to unplug the CM15a and replug it to get it load the drivers correctly. But it works fine when you have the MDACs installed. Those problems weren't from the Active Home dll but from not having the MDACs installed.  Good to know the installer works anyway. By the way, You have to enter the Mangaer's menu to setup the Table Light controls. The original password for the Manager's Menu is
 nothing. So just click ok when prompted for a password. The password can be changed later.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2006, 03:07:13 PM by hkactive »


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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2006, 03:29:20 PM »

Maybe I should rename the topic to my brain is not working.

CM15A seems to be fine. Just had to figure out what it actually could do.

But thanks for the replies and help. From the tests, I see that you don't really need to assign any housecodes to the CM15A, it will receive and deal with them all as long as you are sending the CM15A a radio frequency signal <sendrf>.. For example, I have a slim line wall switch set to HouseCode A,  powerhouse remote set to E,  an X10 keychain pad set to C, and  a 501 transceiver set to HouseCode D  (All these extra gadgets X10 sent with my CM11A kits that I thought I would never use). The CM15A picks up the rf signals from the remotes, keypad, wall switch as a RecvAction event.

Once that event is triggered, you can use the various parameters and commands it picks up to program whatever you want to do with them. See my sample VB6 code for <sendrf> and the CM15A.

I suppose if you wanted to invest another $50 bucks, you could buy another CM15A so that it could pick up the <sendrf> signals. But would you have to have another computer running using your custom X10 program to respond to the RecvAction events?

I wonder if the CM15A would act like the 501 transceiver and send out powerline codes in response to the rf signals even though it's not connected to the computer. In other words, set up like a 501 transceiver. Will it receive the rf signals and transpose them to power line codes by itself without having to have a program controlling it? I know it doesn't do that now. But is it possible to program it so that it would respond without being connected to a running computer: just plugged into the wall?

Now if it were Linux. But that's another story. I don't really want to go there. This has been hard enough.



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Re: <sendrf> not working CM15a
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2006, 03:51:23 PM »

Yes, the CM15A is a "Whole House Transceiver" when connected or disconnected from the PC.  As long as it is configured using AHP to "Transceive"  all or select house codes, then doing a download to the CM15A.  You really don't need the RR501 to transceive the RF.

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