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Author Topic: Trying to Connect to MyHouse Server  (Read 8348 times)


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Trying to Connect to MyHouse Server
« on: May 10, 2006, 05:43:00 AM »

I have upgraded to 3.203 a while back. I was really hoping that I could use port 80 or any port for that matter so that I could use MyHouse from work to see MyHouse at home. In fact, I thought that was one of the benefits of 3.203. Well I can't.

I think that the problem is a proxy server, but I am not sure. The company that I work for provides our internet service at home. They use a proxy server in the connection. The bottm line is that MyHouse will not connect to the server from home. If I use a local dial in service it works very well, but then that ties up my phone line and does not take advantage of the continuous broadband. How do I confirm that it is the proxy server that is the problem? Second, is there a work-around so that I can log into the x10 server?

I see all of the comments on how people are having problems. To be honest this is the only problem that I need to work out now. A phase coupler worked like magic to get all circuts working in my house talking.  The EagleEye is a little flaky, but I think that I can work that out. I only need to get MyHouse working. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Trying to Connect to MyHouse Server
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2006, 09:47:03 AM »


I had the same problem and posted in here but no one responded.  I finally figure out the problem.  If you have a router connected to your AHP server computer you need to make some changes to the router.  I opened TCP port 80 & 8001 in my router for my computer where the AHP Server is installed.  Also if you have Windows Firewall, make sure it's not blocking it.  You can go to Start, Run, type firewall.cpl  This will give you the firewall panel.  make sure AHP software is allowed.  Hope this helps.
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