Is it just me or does the X-10 website seem to be a game show set up. Everything is flashing and order now, yet no real information can achieved by visiting the website. Besides the offers of order now and receive this much free crap, or add on this package and get this crap for free, if the products were of a quality product, they wouldn't have to offer me five palm pads for the price of one, fifty slimfire remotes and thirty stick-a-remotes and twenty lamp modules, for purchasing One socket rocket, Purchase one camera and get three for free, plus the mounts, and the software, or any other deals they seem to have going. If this website was repetable, then they would actually have the specifications of each product available, and would offer items to correct known issues. Instead of sending users to make their own modifications to an apparently flawed product, or to purchase items from another manufacturer which will correct issues.