Hey look, I run a mixed bag of cams on my system(s). Wired & wireless, Cheap (x10) & not-so-cheap. I wish the not-so-cheap cams where as good as x10.
The reason professionals charge so much to set-up a system, is because they can. The reason they can, is because it takes skill. You guys sound like people who complain that computers aren't user friendly enough. I actually thought people weren't computer friendly enough.
Camera technology is at the age of advancement that it is at. Which has advanced alot of late... but is still very young. This "advanced technology" "Home automation" stuff will always remain at the cutting (sometimes called bleeding) edge. It's not supposed to be easy, it's supposed to be FUN.
In PLANNING and setting up my system, I ran into a hundred problems. It ate up my time, thoughts and money. I had a ball doing it and now enjoy showing it off. And to be honest... I am a little disappointed it's finished.