tjc, so you say when you held down a button on your SH624 and attempted to open doors and walk past sensors while armed that the system triggered the alarm? I have tried several times and every time i was able to hold down the button and open my door sensor and walk around in front of the motion sensor while armed. Perhaps i will try to reset the door sensor and see if it works any better. I did a lot of google searching and only came across 1 reference to this, so hopefully it is just a potential problem but not a sure thing every time. If it is a big problem, we better delete this post and keep this quiet.
Can anyone else try this and post your findings? (i think we all need to do this to see if we truly are as secure as we think).
I have had my system running for a couple of weeks now in my garage and surrounding buildings. The motion sensor i have setup seems quite accurate in 1 step mode. In 2 step mode the mileage seemed to vary...... i was able to walk right up to it without triggering once, and was caught once. 1 Step mode seems to catch movement right away. To properly test this you need to let the motion sensor settle down for a minute or so before walking into its beam.