Then I suspect that there is someting wrong with the AHP software itself, or your .ahx files (which house your modules, timers and macros (unless the macros are PC based.
I suggest first, clear the interface and load one of the two sample files that come with AHP. If you can address any modules in the samples that have the same address as your modules. If you can address them and your modules turn on and off from AHP, then the problem lies with the .AHX file you created. Delete all .ahx files except the two sample ones and reconstruct yours. Upload that new one to the interface and see if everything works the way you want.
If that fails, uninstall AHP, reboot and make sure everything in the Achive Home Pro folder except the .ahx files is gone. Back up your .axh file, delete all files in both C:\Program Files/Active Home Pro and C:\Program Files\Common Files\X10, then delete both folders. Reboot again.
Once Windows has opened, reinstall AHP. Follow all directions. You will usually have to reboot. Once Windows is opened again, check the Control Panel as before, make sure the interface is shown as a USB device. IF it is, reload your .ahx file and make sure it still works.
Good Luck!!!