Well I hate to say it but generally these and most x10 devices are junk. There reliability is shotty at most. And when you're talking security, you need 100% reliability. In theory, x10 devices sound great, in reality, they fall way way short.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. I would prefix your statements with "IMHO" though...
[*YOU* decided to buy the YUGO! And now *YOU'RE* complaining?!?
I've been running X-10 devices since the days of BSR and SEARS, and some of those modules are STILL running. BSR reliability wasn't so good - most of the modules (Appliance, Lamp, Wall Switch - Paddle and Push Button
) have died. One RS Mini-Controller overheated. One RS Appliance Module (controlling an electric heater) started to melt (something caused the outlet of the AM to oxidize / corrode / develop a green powder film, which increased it's resistance, which produced heat). Both the BSR and the SEARS 16-Unit Controllers are still working, along with the fluorescent display timer and the black / woodgrain red LED timer (some *OLD* stuff!
...I am surprised someone or company does not make quality products to replace all these x10 products. Its not like there is not a huge need for these devices.
Where have you been? Better quality X10 products have existed for YEARS! But, they cost more money (quality control, AGC, etc... doesn't come for free).
Spend a little time browsing through the online catalogs of:
Look at (in approximate cost order, IIRC):
for starters.
BUY a few modules ($$$) and then report back.
[And apologize to X10 for bad-mouthing them on their own forum.