I honestly don't understand why the two
Community Organizer's who responded to your post didn't address this
, but...
I'm running SW13A software and trying to write a fast macro (std macro doesn't work either) to download to the two way interface (serial port)...
Yes, it is active home software. I got the CD with the bundle I bought from the x10 website. I downloaded/running the latest version from the x10 website. Yes, it's the CM11A interface. Yes, running XP.
I'm going to
assume here that you're an X-10 Newbie (no insult intended!) - if you do a SEARCH of the X10.com site, you'll discover that
SW13A software is actually an
X10 Staff Typo and, AFAIK, doesn't actually exist. It was *ONLY* referenced by
THE BANDIT during the recent X10/RCA Activehome and Remote Control Kits *SALE*. Is that what you purchased?
- Activehome (Original) CM11A uses ActiveHome version 1.42 released March 11 software
AFAIK, version 1.3x was available on CD-ROM "years ago" (IIRC, I have a copy! or else something even older!!), and 1.42 (and 1.41 and 1.40) needed to be downloaded from ftp.x10.com
The CM11A uses a SERIAL interface
. - Activehome PRO CM15A, AFAIK, uses SW31A software, which is a Secure Download and requires an Order Number in order to obtain a (time-limited) PRIVATE DOWNLOAD LINK
The CM15A uses a USB interface
...The problem is the sequence in the placeholder keeps moving at the software level before downloading or testing. The light dimmer sequence; 100% for 20 minutes, 20% for 1 minute, off. Using 3 macro functions with an on trigger. The delay minutes always end up in sequence. IE; 0, 1, 20 instead of 20, 1, 0.
I not able to trigger a macro with a timer from the software as well.
I want to be able to do timer sequences from dawn and dusk triggers.
I've been running the CM11A for *MANY* years and this terminology does not sound familiar - unless X10 has released some SPECTACULAR NEW SOFTWARE for the CM11A (SW13A?), I've only seen the term "triggers" mentioned when referencing the CM15A software.
*IF* you really do have a CM11A *AND* you are running AH v1.42, the MACRO (Fast or Standard) commands would be:
- A1 ON 100%, Absolute, Delay = 0
- A1 DIM -80%, Relative, Delay = 20
- A1 OFF, Absolute, Delay = 21
...It was my understanding that the bundle I bought from the x10 website could do all of the above.
Either the CM11A (Original), or the CM15A (PRO), are capable of doing what you ask.
...Also the software keeps loosing the PC to interface connection.
...I would like the tips for the serial dropping.
*IF* you really do have a CM11A *AND* you're running WinXP, my suggestion (and I've read other's advising the same) is to run Win98 - either on a separate "spare" PC, or make your current PC "DUAL BOOT", and then boot into Win98 when you wish to program and download to the CM11A.
I personally use an old Toshiba 550 CDT laptop that I bought *CHEAP* on eBay (I was using my original Toshiba 430 CDT, but it's maximum screen resolution is 800x600 and so many websites have gone to 1024x768, or greater, that surfing was becoming a 'problem'; I leave the 550 and AH 1.32 running 24x7 so that I can refer to the "Communications Log" of what happened just in case something looks like it 'went wrong'; so, since it's already on 24x7, I use it to surf too!
Bottom Line: If you need assistance with the CM11A, I'll be glad to help you out.
P.S. Read my X-10 FAQ (click on my SIG LINK) and also read the X-10 Checklist that I posted here...