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Author Topic: MS10A Motion Detector Junk??  (Read 7695 times)

tom j

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MS10A Motion Detector Junk??
« on: September 15, 2006, 11:39:28 PM »

Say does anyone have one of these things that will reliably work in the 2 movement mode? Got that 8 pack a while back only one would work reliably when I walked in a room. One of the other ones was so bad that I was able to do my vacuuming in the same room the unit was located and it never went off true story! I really don't know how x10 can keep selling these things the ds7000 although the design and features are now somewhat dated is a decent unit for what is does. There was a time when the door window sensors were problematic but from what I can see this has largely been corrected. I actually have one that's probably 5 years old now and it's never has missed a beat and has performed flawlessly. What they should really do is scrap the whole design of the MS10A I know of no major manufacturer of alarm equipment that makes a 1 step motion detector the reasons being da! that they flat out aren't reliable and prone to false alarms most produce 2 and 3 step detectors 1 step is just to sensitive any kind of interference has the potential of tripping one of these things especially RF units. You can't perfectly isolate the circuity of these things which makes them prone to false alarms. Out of this same batch of 8 after getting a few false alarms I placed a few that were setup in the 1 movement mode in an empty room in the back of the house along with my backup console and closed the door I made sure that it wasen't pointing toward any windows or heating source and they all tripped within a few months most well within 4 weeks! The  PMS01 (Pro versions) are much better but there again you still have the problem of false alarms in the 1 movement mode. Maybe if enough of us complain they will come up with a better design. Let me say when this stuff works it does a good job my house was broken into a couple years ago and the ds7000 in combination with a PMS01 the one decent motion detector I had at the time preformed flawlessly and the thieves got noting a combination of 4 large powehorns throughout the house and the fact that all my lighting is x10 controlled proved to much for them and they left without so much as a dime. So I'm actually really not bashing this stuff I just want to see a better design something more reliable that we can all depend and rely on.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 03:55:03 AM by tom j »

tom j

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Re: MS10A Motion Detector Junk??
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2006, 03:48:53 AM »

Really surprised that no one else is as outraged as I am with the fact that this motion detector is of such poor quality. I decided to dust off my old powerhouse SP554 this was a much better design at least in the 2 movement mode in over 6 years I never got a false alarm and no way could you take more then a couple steps with out it picking you up only problem with it was the relatively short range and the fact that the battery life was only good for about 8 months even just left in a vacant house the batteries would die in about 9 months, but it worked!!! Working on a new hardwired system with some wireless components so by the time the batteries give out I should have my new system up and running.

« Last Edit: September 24, 2006, 10:56:29 PM by tom j »

tom j

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Re: MS10A Motion Detector Junk??
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2006, 10:31:13 PM »

Say x10 why can't you improve your motion sensors.  ??? The door window sensors are excellent never had a failure on one since you changed them from 9 volt to the AA ones. The old 9 volt ones had a life expectancy of about 9 months way less then a year before they died I don't mean from lack of power I mean just died!!! You redesigned them and now they' have excellent reliability. Why??? can't you do the same with the motion detectors if you did I guarantee you that your sails would go through the roof. Even through the ds7000 is somewhat dated for 99 bucks with decent motion detectors it would still be an unbeatable deal. Hope someone at x10 is paying attention.

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