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Author Topic: Strange & Unexpected Conflict  (Read 3411 times)


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Strange & Unexpected Conflict
« on: August 14, 2006, 09:39:19 AM »

Well here is a different kind of conflict (at least for me)........I have a Midland weather radio (plugged into AC) set to trigger a powerflash module in my bedroom.  Adjacent to the radio I have a radio controlled atomic clock (battery powered).  No problems with this arrangement.  However, I recently located the ac/dc adapter for the clock and attached it to the clock.  Later I began to notice that the weather radio would message "check reception" (at times).  This morning a friend called and asked why I didn't answer my cell phone as he had called many times and had left messages, and that this was the first time he had gotten through.  I tried to call on the cell and it was nonresponsive.
Sure enough when I unplugged the ac/dc adapter, no weather radio messages and the cell phone operated normally.  I guess it was some kind of RF conflict.

As has been stated here in this forum many times, with all the "stuff" we have in our houses there is bound to be a battle of technologies at some point. ???

Dan Lawrence

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Re: Strange & Unexpected Conflict
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2006, 10:39:01 AM »

That's not X10 related, but interesting anyway. Since cell phones are actually two-way radios (something, BTW the bad guys seem to either not know or forget), they might conflict in a house with some other radio.

My comment about the bad guys is real. There have been several drug dealers arrested because they used cell phones, which the cops listened in, since the cell phones use radio to talk to the towers, where the signals get transferred to the land lines. You'd think they would have figured it out.
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Re: Strange & Unexpected Conflict
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2006, 11:05:54 AM »

My point was the conflict.  X10 does have conflict from time to time............due to interaction from other wired (or unwired) influences.

Brian H

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Re: Strange & Unexpected Conflict
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2006, 04:53:21 PM »

Some switching power supplies can generate wide spectrum RF noise. My friend had one in a computer that can wipe out every X10 device in his home with powerline noise and it also knocked out most of his radio reception in the house.
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