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Author Topic: AHP Software OPEN BUGs Discussion - FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY  (Read 10077 times)


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« on: September 13, 2006, 09:39:38 PM »

NOTE: I'm attempting to "catch up" on AHP's BUG history (my upgrade from CM11A to CM15A is not going well at all; WAF plummeting daily!). Thus, since I'm taking the time and effort to review all this 'archived history', I felt that it might help some others to place some of what I deem the more significant posts in one place.  Because I'm working BACKWARDS, I won't know WHICH BUGs are fixed until I finish. But, at a minimum, IMO, this exercise is a good "education" as to the AHP/CM15A's history. As always, opinions are welcomed. ;)

This is a "Work in Progress" document (#1 of 2), working backwards from the OLDEST posts, as I have time...
(All documents will be combined into one thread when I'm finished.)

It appears that Eric Edberg's posts don't appear in a normal forum index because he is/was a GUEST.  ???

Ah! He's returned: EricLEdberg :)  Will have to chat with him some day soon...

« Last Edit: September 22, 2006, 09:18:11 PM by TakeTheActive »
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« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2006, 12:34:45 AM »

* * * N O T E S * * *

  • CM15A 'Randomly' Loses COLLISION DETECTION:
    Example: A macro triggered by a PLC command received from a RR501 goes into an ENDLESS LOOP.
    Reset the memory: REMOVE AC Power; REMOVE 1 battery; W a i t (I dunno - have a beer, cup of coffee); REPLACE 1 battery; RESTORE AC Power; DOWNLOAD Timers & Macros.
    [Charles Sullivan]
  • CM15A Never *COMPLETELY* Stops Transceiving HouseCode(s):
    Irregardless of what you set in "Hardware Configuration -> Transceived HouseCode(s)", the CM15A is *ALWAYS* listening for RF and printing out what it hears in the Activity Monitor. But (and this is a BIG BUT!), although it doesn't relay the appropriate PLC to modules, it *DOES* trigger all macros.
  • CM15A Has a "Timing Problem" With the RR501 When Triggering Macros With Multiple Delays:

  • Macros Run Differently 'From PC' vs 'From Interface':
    The behavior of macros run from the interface and run from the PC can be slightly different. The interface runs commands exactly as they are stored. It doesn't take module state, previous commands, or upcoming commands into account -- it just runs the command set exactly as stored.

    Because the PC has the resources for it, events run from AHP try to be smarter and to use powerline transmission resources more efficiently. If you turn a module on and then dim it to 50% in AHP, running a macro to set the module to 40% (set to 40% absolutely) will send a 10% dim instead of brightening to 100% and then dimming down 50%.

    We try to minimize powerline transmission to prevent overlap of commands from other devices (remotes, motion sensors) and generally keep powerline performance strong.  X10 is a slow protocol and it has been our goal not to send 1 seconds worth of dim commands when only .25 seconds is needed. It was also our goal to use the resources available from the PC to make ActiveHome Pro smarter than the interface on its own can be.

    If you store macros in the interface and use a remote control or plug-in controller to trigger them, that will insure that they will run from the interfaces memory.
    [X10 Pro #1 - Michael Cole (reply to Eric Edberg)]
  • Macros With Sequences of Only Addresses Fail:
    If a macro is created with only a sequence of addresses, e.g., for programming a Smarthome module, only the first address in the sequence is transmitted.  This is observed both in the AHP Activity Monitor and with a CM11A monitoring the power line on a separate PC.  If Delays of 00:00:00 are inserted in the macro between each address, then the entire sequence of addresses is correctly transmitted. (AHP 3.201 under Win XP Pro SP1)
    [Charles Sullivan]
  • .
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Hopefully, no one will notice if I temporarily *BURY* this list here (while I compose it)...  ::)

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tom j04 Sep 2004 07:30:33 PM
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Tuicemen27 Oct 2004 05:26:57 PM
JimC27 Oct 2004 07:10:23 PM
Brian H28 Oct 2004 06:47:21 PM
dave w08 Nov 2004 09:51:16 AM
« Last Edit: September 26, 2006, 12:37:02 AM by TakeTheActive »
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