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Author Topic: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!  (Read 38869 times)


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multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« on: August 29, 2006, 10:54:10 PM »

ok... it may be that I didn't set the cameraa's on in the righ torder or what, but, if I have all of my camera's plugged in to the outlets... only one camera will show, and if I have one of the camera's plugged in, then it will show that one, but it wont switch between the camera... I've also (strangly) gotten in so that, the A1 camera be plugged in and it showing that immage, then plug the A2 camera and it showing that, but, it will only stay on one camera and take for snapshots only from that camera and not switch between the others... anyone know how to fix my problem?


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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2006, 01:00:31 PM »

Sounds like yours is running as well as anyone using widows XP. I do not think anyone from X10 tech support looks at these forums. I have decided that I got 4 $10. camera's and some flaky software that is armature written at best. for the time and money trying to get my system working as advertised, I threw away over $300 and 2 weeks of my life. I think the $9.99 web cams at radio shack would out preform webview. If and when they are working, you can not recognize who is in the camera from 15 feet away. the so called low light camera's think a street light 25 feet away is not enough light.
I should have sent away for the X-ray glasses instead. I hope they take all this junk back. I would be embarrassed to ask $20 for the whole mess at a garrage sale.


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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2006, 07:37:28 PM »

ya, the system isn't that good, but, I might as well use them toa  point... anyways, I just wanted to know if I could get em working right  or not...


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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2006, 02:13:54 PM »



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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2006, 06:24:40 PM »

I had to plug in the CM19A Wireless PC Transceiver and the TM751 Small Wireless Transceiver before it understood all the camera and showed them seperately in each picture.


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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2006, 03:25:39 PM »

This is how the Multiview works. I have the units and software for many years and its serves well for me so far.

4 camera setup:
Plug in all the X10 wireless camera  A1, A2, A3, A4

Run the Multiview Software and make sure to register. If not it will switch from 1 camera to the next so fast (like 5 sec) be default.
Once you register, you can set it to a long pause between camera.

It only actually shows 1 live video feed or turn on 1 camera each time it cycles. It goes from screen1, screen2, screen3, screen4, then back to 1. For each time intervals, it refreshes one camera a time.

Hope to helps...




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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2007, 03:27:18 PM »

Sounds like yours is running as well as anyone using widows XP. I do not think anyone from X10 tech support looks at these forums. I have decided that I got 4 $10. camera's and some flaky software that is armature written at best. for the time and money trying to get my system working as advertised, I threw away over $300 and 2 weeks of my life. I think the $9.99 web cams at radio shack would out preform webview. If and when they are working, you can not recognize who is in the camera from 15 feet away. the so called low light camera's think a street light 25 feet away is not enough light.
I should have sent away for the X-ray glasses instead. I hope they take all this junk back. I would be embarrassed to ask $20 for the whole mess at a garrage sale.

Your note about the street light made me laugh, I have the same issue, prety bright light at that. but is guess it's not 1/3 as bright as it needs to be.
BTW, using the palm pad I can switch between cameras on one TV, but they dont rotate automatically, if the flood cam kicks on nwhile the lo light cam is on it ndoes automatically switch to the flood cam, but it doesn't switch back, so far the only resolution I have found is to use the palm pad nand turn it back on.


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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2009, 09:37:12 AM »

ok, i got my system working, but I wanted to be able to view all my cameras at the same time. how do I get all my cameras to show at the same time
also I was wondering how do I make the camera come on auto when I walk pass a sensor? and send a photo to my cell phone?


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Re: multiview isn't multiviewing for me!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2009, 10:46:37 AM »

farmboy_46 your going to need a quad processor for viewing all at the same time! example<link
As for getting the cam to work on motion you need a motion sensor.
I'm not familar with the multiview software so how or if it can bedone with it someone else will have to chime in!
Vanguard and AHP can do it!
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