So we remodeled the guest bedroom and added an led strip behind the dresser. The lights have a switch on them which defaults to "Off" with a power loss. I put an old Radio Shack branded appliance module on it and it has that local control feature where it kicks back on with a little power interruption. The new appliance modules that I have on the LED aquarium lighting do not have that feature, so the lights do not kick back on or flash when it is off which is great.
This not a big deal since the lights have to be turned back on at the local switch anyway since there is enough power loss before the Radio Shack model clicks back on, but if I ever move or run out of old modules, it would be nice to know what is going on.
Most of the modules I have are grounded and the regular kind with just the x10 on and I have a few Pro series which behave the same way. The one ungrounded one would not respond to any signals on the patio. I am using the WM 100, but same results on the plug in controller. I do think the patio and guest bedroom may be on a different phase than where the WM Pro and other controllers are plugged into.