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🖥️ActiveHome Pro => ActiveHome Pro General => Topic started by: Rockhoppers on January 22, 2008, 12:51:37 PM
I want the Big Red Panic Button to talk directly to the CM15A, as i want to use it as a door bell of sorts if i can get it to work...
The one i have does not talk direct no matter how much i play with it or recode it....any idea or suggestions.
I want the Big Red Panic Button to talk directly to the CM15A, .........
I am not sure what.. "talk directly" means. However... if you set the Big Red Button to a H/U code.. then select/assign a 2-pin appliance module to the same code in AHP. (You don't need to actually have an appliance module, as this is a ghost.) DO make sure this is a TRANSCEIVED house code.
Then setup your macros... and timed off events for the appliance module. As the Big Red Button ONLY sends an ON signal.
apologies, obviously in to much of a hurry to say what i was trying to get across.
I am developing a "ground up" program using the SDK......
The button has been assigned code B1, but while all the other items send a signal to the CM15A without isue, the button does not....
I just want the CM15A to get an on signal, that is all.... nothing complicated, the switching will be done by the program based on a couple of other conditions.
Is it me, or is it maybe the unit ? should the CM15A see the button when it is pressed ?
You may want to check the button using an old-fashion transceiver... and a chime or module. It could just be the battery is dead.
One could also run the Activity Monitor on AHP, and see what it reports when one presses the Big Red Button.
I tried that, no report !
Thats what prompted the question.
Just to rule out a signal range issue, have you watched the AHP activity monitor while holding the Big Red Button near to the CM15A?
(X10 transmitters and the CM15A aren't famous for their distance range.)
Yes, done that.... the big red button is on the desk, right next to the CM15A.... which does have a poor range, but it think it should handle 6 inches ! !
Intend to modify the CM15A antenna as soon as i get it all working on the desk.
Yes, done that.... the big red button is on the desk, right next to the CM15A.... which does have a poor range, but it think it should handle 6 inches ! !...
Do you have any other transmiting device to check if the CM15A is not receiving?
Any other receiving device like Dave_x10_L suggested to make sure the button is transmitting?
My bet is that the button is defective.
No other receiving device, but i do have a key pad a three motion detectors that are all tansmitting to the CM15A just fine...
It does say on the literiture for the button that is should, and i quote "tramsmit to an X10 Trasceiver (RR501 or TM751)" but no mention of a CM15A !
So i may be on a loser from the start !
...It does say on the literature for the button that is should, and i quote "transmit to an X10 Transceiver (RR501 or TM751)" but no mention of a CM15A !...
It should work with the CM15A! Most likely the only reason the CM15A isn't mentioned in the literature is because the literature came out before the CM15A.
...i do have a key pad a three motion detectors that are all transmitting to the CM15A just fine...
Your button is defective. Call X10 and tell them you have watched the activity monitor in AHP and while it displays signals from several detectors you have, it displays no signal from your "Big Red Button". Also mention you have tried a new battery in the button.
Yup, i think that is my only option, just wanted to bounce it off a few people to make sure i was not missing anything to obvious.