I'll start. My X10 system consists of AHP and the CM15A driving 29 different modules on six different housecodes. I have 10 LM465's, 4 WS467's, a single WS4777, three LM15A's, a SR227, a PRS11, a XPS3 and an XPFM. Many of the modules have timers. There are also addtional Lamp and Appliance modules that are used at the Christmas season for various lighted displays and animated figures. AHP has 4 different .ahx files for certain times of the year.
I do not have any of the add-ons as I have no cameras and no complcated macros and no need to address the system from the Web.
I have been an X10 user since the early DOS days, my first X10 control was the DOS version controlling a CP290.