Hey all! got my nstinct last week, and generally enjoying it so far, but having a couple issues with macros. first issue is that when learning a macro that is more than a couple steps long, it takes 4-5 tries to get it to actually include all commands as entered. I've gone as far as writing out the steps, and checking them off as entered to make sure it's not just me forgetting a step. Not too big a deal, as I can get them to work eventually, but curious if this is an issue for anyone else. second question: is there a way to include a mode change as part of a macro? for instance, I have one set up that changes the input on my TV, turns on the surround sound, and turns on my dvd player. it would be nice if I could then change the remote "mode" from sattelite to dvd as part of the macro. is there a way to do this? Thanx!