Did you chick scan ( you may have to do it up to 5 times ) to find your router address... then highlight it from the list ... then put a check in the using wireless lan settings .... then disconnect the cat 5 from the camera... should work.
Yes I tried this several times and it didn't work, one qestion I have is that my router seems to have two SSID's one is house2GHz and the other is house5GHz I am not sure which one to enter into the LAN settings?
Question: so what you are saying is to enter the data into the LAN settings such as SSID, network type, WSK2-SK, and password...all while the camera is connected to the computer WITH the using wireless connection unchecked, click search 5 times; Then disconnect the camera, click the box and then disconnect camera? When in the process do I click "saved" to get the camera to reboot?