I have two suggestions for you. I setup a
sunrise macro about a year ago and I love it.
I have it synched with my morning alarm
(snooze) and HVAC. The temperature in the
house rises, the lights fade up, and a nice
song wakes me in the morning. I used a
simple lamp module to do it but, I have
plenty of togglelinc's in the house. I use
AHP to send an "on" command at 20% dimmness,
then every 14 minutes I increase the dimness
by 20% with the last increment being 40%,
Suggestion 1: I understand your statement to
say that your toggelinc doesn't dim at all.
If this is the case, make sure your toggelinc
is installed correctly. I noticed when I
installed the togglelinc's that they require
the neutral wire to be connected. To wire
the switch don't go buy the colors of the
wires. Actually test the voltage and be sure
to find the line and the load, and attach the
appropriate wires in the appropriate position.
Suggestion 2: If the problem is not with the
dimming, but rather, with the 2-way polling
identifying the dim level, I think you're out
of luck. Using a togglelinc, AHP can only
detect a full on or full off. In other
words, if you turn on a light using the
togglelinc, then AHP will recognize it. But,
if you then dim the light, it will remain at
100% in AHP. If you dim-on a light using the
togglelinc, then AHP will not recognize it
and remain at 0%. In this case, if you don't
want the sunrise to occur if you've already
turned on the lights, then be sure to turn
the lights on fully using the switch (i.e.
don't dim-up from the switch). The rest
should be cake. Pick a time for "sunrise",
set the macro (in a way similar to what I
described above), and off you go.
Good Luck!