I solved my problem. If you are receiving
the 5 chimes every 30 minutes or so, try
this step by step.
(1) Unplug base station (or main Unit) from
the wall socket and also unhook battery
underneath. The battery is a square 9 Volt
battery. Wait about a minute and plug the
battery back in and put on the cover. Plug
in the power cord to the wall.
(2) There are 2 dial buttons on the main
unit. The top one is black and is called
unit. The bottom one is red and is called
house. Just so we are all together on this,
turn both straight up and down which would
make them 1 and A. Put the slide switch to
install. (You might want to carry a pen and
paper so you can write down what number the
alarms are.) Find the closest motion
detector and make it go off. You will hear
a ding and the first number will light up.
Go to the next door or window and press the
test button. The next light will light up
and you will hear a ding. This will be your
second alarm. Go down the line and do every
door or sensor and write down the number of
the alarm so you will have it for future
reference. This should get rid of that 5
chime nuisance every 30 minutes.