WOW..So many opinions...Thats good. If I
have better options then I may change it.
Roger H. It was my error in description: I
meant the relay was pulled in or energized
during operation thus eliminating the Neutral
to Ground fault. During a power failure the
fault causing contacts are closed. I agree
with you about testing the GFI device after
each power failure: That is exactly what my
device will do.. same as pushing the "test"
button on the GFI.
Bill H. I understand your thinking but that
is the purpose of the GFI device, to detect
an imbalance of as little as 7ma current flow
between the Hot, Neutral/Ground or the same
between Neutral and Ground. Mine tripped at
about 4ma. Basically, it is doing the same
thing an overheated pump might do but way
before burning up the pump or my home.
Another saving grace here is that this is an
isolated circuit, running from the breaker
panel outside directly to a small pumphouse
and terminating in a protected GFI device.
Charles, As far as using in an unapproved
manner, you may be correct but I am
essentially doing the same as pressing the
"test" button on the GFI device and causing a
momentary short. Except, the test button
shorts the Hot and Neutral through a 15k
resistor and I am using the neutral and
Ground sensing circuit, which is much safer.
Bill, I will order the Defib
and now...
I actually do appreciate all the thoughts,
ideas and warnings... If I see one single
glitch I will unplug and report my device as
a failure.