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Author Topic: Myhouse Remote Video  (Read 56491 times)


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Re: Myhouse Remote Video
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2008, 09:34:48 PM »

I love myhouse, they did something that helped me have 100% connection, and made it worst for all of Ya.  rofl

So, what did they do?  You brag and brag about your system, but you never give us any details.
Remote control is cool,

but automation rules!


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Re: Myhouse Remote Video
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2008, 10:27:31 PM »

They didnt do anything for me, as far as I know.  :' My connection is 100% thats all I know.


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Re: Myhouse Remote Video
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2008, 10:14:20 PM »

To answer:

what is ftp settings for....
ftp server.. what to fill in
path.........what to fill in


This is one I can help with.

The ftp settings do work if configured properly.

I have a domain that I was FTP’ing snapshots to using a macro.  The key word being “was”; more on that below.

I will use a fake web domain called:

If you use a web hosting service for your domain, you can call them and ask three questions:

1)   Can I FTP to my domain?
2)   What address do I use?
3)   What account name/password should I use?

Usually web-hosting services will stick an “ftp” to the DNS name.

So in this case, your ftp DNS name would be:

That is what you put in the “ftp server” field.

The next thing to do is to try to manually FTP to your domain.

If using Windows XP (or similar), go to the “Start” menu and choose “Run…”

Then type: ftp <your_domain>

For this example domain, you would type: ftp

When asked for a User, type the user name that your web hosting service gave to you.
When asked for a password, type the password that your web hosting service gave to you

If everything worked ok, you will get:

230 User joeblow logged in.

This tells you that the FTP server name, User name and password are correct.

At the “ftp>” prompt type: pwd

The directory path returned is your “home” directory.

You can put all this information into the FTP settings in ActiveHome.

You can leave the path blank if you want to put all your snapshots in your home directory.  If you want to put your snapshots into a subdirectory, just put that directory name into the “Path” field.

You have two options when adding a path.

1)   Relative path
2)   Full path

Lets say the home directory is: /usr/home/joeblow
…and you want to put your snapshots into a subdirectory called “webcam”

The relative path would be: ./webcam (The dot at the beginning is VERY important)
The full path would be: /usr/home/joeblow/webcam

I prefer full path names.

Now for the reasons I do not use ActiveHome’s ftp function:

1)   It will not delete any snapshots from your website (you will fill up your domain)
2)   It uses ftp which means your password is send across the internet un-encrypted
3)   Your password is saved in the xml preferences file in plain text
4)   The password is shown in plain text in the ActiveHome FTP setting

I used a combination of PERL and WINSCP to get my images to my website.

Hope this helps a little and at least informs you about using ActiveHome to ftp your snapshots.

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