What I've found:
1. AHP can NOT Dis-Arm a DS-7000.
2. To ARM a DS-7000 via a macro:
3. Use an SH624 (KR10A's can't Arm-Home)
4. The SH624 must be installed in AHP
5. The AHP-installed SH624 module/device must be installed into the DS-7000 (and yes, it takes up one of the 8 Security Remote slots in the DS-7000)
a. To be clear, the DS-7000 can only register/install 8 security remote devices. When the 8 slots are filled, the DS-7000 will still beep when you install the 9th, but it won't accept its signals.
b. A simple way to install the AHP-installed device into the DS-7000 is to create a macro that Arms-home via the AHP-installed device - let's call the macro F14. Using a palmpad, set the DS-7000 to install and press F14-ON on the palmpad. You should hear the DS-7000 ding. Switch the DS-7000 back to run. Press F14-ON again and the DS-7000 should ARM. You will have to use a "real" security remote to Dis-Arm (AHP cannot Dis-Arm a DS-7000)
6. Now the AHP-installed SH624 can be used in multiple macros to either Arm-Home, or Arm-Away.
One AHP bug is that arming a DS-7000 via an AHP macro will NOT change the AHP Armed-Status icon, NOR will it change the armed-status CONDITION within AHP.
How I use it:
I don’t like, and don’t use delayed-arming (1 minute), or delayed alarm triggers (30 sec).
If I forget (or if “someone” else forgets) to arm the system, I can arm it remotely. But, until the DS-7000 can transmit its Armed Status via RF or PLC, either on-demand (as in Polling – PLEASE X10!?!?!?), or as a heartbeat, without a camera to see the indicator light, or via one of Tuicemen’s system hacks, I can’t be 100% sure the macro actually armed the system.
Since I can’t use the AHP “Armed” status when armed via macro, I use two monitored FLAGs to indicate Armed/Unarmed (F2) and Home/Away (F3). So actions (bells, horns, lights, cameras, etc.) happen independent of the DS-7000 so long as AHP “thinks” it’s armed (F2=ON).
(I have another set of macros that DO operate on the ARMED condition, and I have another FLAG that is set when AHP’s ARMED condition is ON, but it gets confusing.)
So, I have 2 macros, Arm-Home (M1), and Arm-Away (M2), and 2 Phantom switches P1 & P2 to trigger them.
Via LogMeIn, I can flip P1 or P2 which fire macros M1 or M2.
Send Armed-Home via SH264-1
Set Flag#2=ON
Set E10 (outside armed indicator light in a SuperSocket) = ON
Set P1=OFF
One more thing – (never intended to drag this out, and I’m sure Dave_X10 could create much more eloquent prose…)
When I leave the house for work at 5 a.m., I “Arm-Home” the system AFTER I shut & lock the door, from outside.
If I press “Lights-ON” on my KR10A, then within 10 seconds press “Lights-OFF”, AHP fires the “ARM-Home” macro and sends me an immediate email via BlackBerry. (If you want the macros, send me an email)
And just for peace of mind, because I can’t see or hear the DS-7000 when it arms, I have another SuperSocketed outside light that is set to the DS-7000’s security light code – it flashes when the DS-7000 sends its armed-confirmation PLC.