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Author Topic: Arming DX7000 via a Macro  (Read 45560 times)


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Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« on: September 18, 2006, 04:41:49 PM »

I set up a macro using a SH624 Controller that has a command to Arm Home the SH624 controller.  When I run the macro from Active Home or remotely from Myhouse, nothing happens.  I look in the activity monitor expecting to see a Transmit RF action with Arm Home command but there was nothing in the Activity Monitor.  It's as if the command is just being ignored in the macro.  Am I doing something wrong here. 

I have written other macros that can do many things with the security modules, but I can't get a macro to arm the alarm.  Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2006, 12:06:31 AM »

I had this same exact problem.  I was able to get around it by teaching the DX7000 the signal for my AHP module.  Just flip the DX7000 to learn mode, like you're trying to teach a new remote control and then trigger the macro.  When you hear the DX7000 give a confirmation beep, put it back on Run1 or Run2 and your troubles should be fixed.



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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 01:14:28 AM »

cealbrecht, thanks for your help.  That did the trick.  I didn't see those instructions anywhere in the x10 manuals or their website.  It makes perfect sense now. 

I am still seeing a couple of strange things though.  The alarm arms through the macro, but the lock icon at the bottom of the AHP Application stays unlocked even though the alarm is armed.  When you arm it through the remote the lock icon changes as it should and shows the alarm is armed in the software.   When you arm the alarm through the macro, the physical alarm arms, but the software doesn't know it so macros that test for the condition of the alarm being armed don't work unless you arm the alarm throuigh a controller.  Not a good thing.  Are you seeing similar problems?


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2006, 07:26:30 AM »

I never noticed.  I don't have any macros that check the status of the alarm.  I don't see a lock icon anywhere.  I do see what appears to be a 'window' icon at the bottom of the screen and when I roll the mouse over it, it says "Armed Home".  Is that what you are talking about?



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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2006, 10:23:22 AM »

Yes, that's the icon.


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2007, 09:39:12 PM »

I set up a macro using a SH624 Controller that has a command to Arm Home the SH624 controller.  When I run the macro from Active Home or remotely from Myhouse, nothing happens.  I look in the activity monitor expecting to see a Transmit RF action with Arm Home command but there was nothing in the Activity Monitor.  It's as if the command is just being ignored in the macro.  Am I doing something wrong here. 

I have written other macros that can do many things with the security modules, but I can't get a macro to arm the alarm.  Any help would be appreciated.

I found the same thing, I found if you then add a KR10a (I added it first) I can the do a home arm but must use the KR10a object to arm the DX7000


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2008, 10:56:32 PM »

Im still having a problem getting it to arm with the macro
1. Set up a macro as followed sh624 in the pull down menu
2. chose instant arm home
3. Flip The dx7000 to install I did not hear a beep (Only have 2 remotes installed)
4. Tested the aHP module worked with motion sensor making hall lights come on
The bottom line the macro does nothing for the remote in the aHP(all the remotes installed just fine), thanks to you guys :)
Please any Ideas What I can do II'm stumped here (Oh I unplugged the DX7000  and started from scratch also, but still nothing)

Please please help!!!!


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2008, 11:02:33 PM »

Oh By the way maybe im doing the macro wrong can someone give me the right macro format


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2009, 06:34:40 PM »

It´s been about 3 years since this was reported in the first time as I can see in forums, I´m new on x10 technology and I have exactly the same issue, the ahp or the Myhome interfaces doesn´t show the right arm status and this affects severely macros that have conditionals to look on armed state.  Also I have noticed that any macro triggered by a security module doesn´t use the conditionals I make, if I change them to trigger with a house code it use them, but if I trigger with security modules those always bypass any conditional.  Does anyone have this working fine?  Thanks

HA Dave

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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2009, 01:35:55 PM »

I just setup an auto-arm macro as part of my Occupancy Sensing setup... as was surprised when it didn't work the first try. I had even setup really cool little two-stage voice warnings announced by my BVC software. I looked here (of course) for answers when the macro didn't work.. and saw I wasn't the only one that had this problem.

When I dragged a KR10A remote into the Occupancy Sensing Room I was asked to configure it. I had the remote handy as I expected this.. and I pressed its arm button. There was a check box in the message asking if it was already registered with the console. My remote was... and for reasons I can't explain.. I assumed the PC/AHP/OnAlert Software would gather all the info needed and that would be it. After trying a few different things.. I realized the console wasn't seeing the signal from the CM15A (if it was even sending one.. I couldn't be sure).

I then realized that it could very well be.. that the CM15A would need to record it's version of the remote with the console as well. Once I registered the PC/AHP/macro remote with the console... all worked well. I decided to come back here and post... so I could be sure this info was in here.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 01:41:33 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2009, 09:42:49 PM »

I think what the previous posts were indicating is the OnAlert symbol at the bottom of AHP continues to show an "Disarmed" (unlocked) symbol, instead of the "Armed Home" (window)  or "Armed Away" (house) symbol, when the macro is run.


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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2009, 08:43:24 AM »

What I've found:

1. AHP can NOT Dis-Arm a DS-7000.
2. To ARM a DS-7000 via a macro:
3.   Use an SH624 (KR10A's can't Arm-Home)
4.   The SH624 must be installed in AHP
5.   The AHP-installed SH624 module/device must be installed into the DS-7000 (and yes, it takes up one of the 8 Security Remote slots in the DS-7000)
a.   To be clear, the DS-7000 can only register/install 8 security remote devices.  When the 8 slots are filled, the DS-7000 will still beep when you install the 9th, but it won't accept its signals.
b.   A simple way to install the AHP-installed device into the DS-7000 is to create a macro that Arms-home via the AHP-installed device - let's call the macro F14.  Using a palmpad, set the DS-7000 to install and press F14-ON on the palmpad.  You should hear the DS-7000 ding.  Switch the DS-7000 back to run.  Press F14-ON again and the DS-7000 should ARM.  You will have to use a "real" security remote to Dis-Arm (AHP cannot Dis-Arm a DS-7000)
6.   Now the AHP-installed SH624 can be used in multiple macros to either Arm-Home, or Arm-Away.

One AHP bug is that arming a DS-7000 via an AHP macro will NOT change the AHP Armed-Status icon, NOR will it change the armed-status CONDITION within AHP.
How I use it:
I don’t like, and don’t use delayed-arming (1 minute), or delayed alarm triggers (30 sec).

If I forget (or if “someone” else forgets) to arm the system, I can arm it remotely.  But, until the DS-7000 can transmit its Armed Status via RF or PLC, either on-demand (as in Polling – PLEASE X10!?!?!?), or as a heartbeat, without a camera to see the indicator light, or via one of Tuicemen’s system hacks, I can’t be 100% sure the macro actually armed the system.

Since I can’t use the AHP “Armed” status when armed via macro, I use two monitored FLAGs to indicate Armed/Unarmed (F2) and Home/Away (F3).  So actions (bells, horns, lights, cameras, etc.) happen independent of the DS-7000 so long as AHP “thinks” it’s armed (F2=ON).
(I have another set of macros that DO operate on the ARMED condition, and I have another FLAG that is set when AHP’s ARMED condition is ON, but it gets confusing.)
So, I have 2 macros, Arm-Home (M1), and Arm-Away (M2), and 2 Phantom switches P1 & P2 to trigger them.
Via LogMeIn, I can flip P1 or P2 which fire macros M1 or M2.
Send Armed-Home via SH264-1
Set Flag#2=ON
Set E10 (outside armed indicator light in a SuperSocket) = ON
Set P1=OFF

One more thing – (never intended to drag this out, and I’m sure Dave_X10 could create much more eloquent prose…)
When I leave the house for work at 5 a.m., I “Arm-Home” the system AFTER I shut & lock the door, from outside.
If I press “Lights-ON” on my KR10A, then within 10 seconds press “Lights-OFF”, AHP fires the “ARM-Home” macro and sends me an immediate email via BlackBerry.  (If you want the macros, send me an email)

And just for peace of mind, because I can’t see or hear the DS-7000 when it arms, I have another SuperSocketed outside light that is set to the DS-7000’s security light code – it flashes when the DS-7000 sends its armed-confirmation PLC.
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HA Dave

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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2009, 10:46:56 PM »

.......... AHP can NOT Disarm a DS-7000.

That's true. The DS7000 is a bread and butter product for X10... I am sure. Having a misunderstanding about being able to disarm it via the Internet... might be a risk... for X10.

But for many.. it's inconvenient to NOT be able to remotely (or automatically) disarm the system. I recently hacked a SH624.... and with the use of a Universal Module (and a little confirmation macro) I can disarm the DS7000. But that's another post.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 11:06:24 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2009, 07:48:23 AM »

Dave -

I've seen a SH624 hack posting but can't place it.  Please direct me to yours. Do you have pictures?  And would you be interested in making another one for a fee? I'm no so needing a remote disarm I take that back - there are times when AHP "misses" my wife's KR10A's Dis-ARM signal - subsequentially sending me alerts, pictures, and video's as she moves within the house.  But what I'd really like (until X10 fixes AHP's Armed status to recognize macro-arming) is a way to remotely send an "ARM" signal to AHP.  So I'm thinking 2 universal modules for the Arm-Away and Dis-Arm signals.

I'm thinking that it's worth it to mount a camera for the purpose of looking at the "Armed" light.  Of course, I'd have to mount a light with it.  ( I think the WAF is going to take a hit..."more wires, more of those little white boxes....")
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HA Dave

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Re: Arming DX7000 via a Macro
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2009, 11:25:19 AM »

I've seen a SH624 hack posting but can't place it.  Please direct me to yours. Do you have pictures?  And would you be interested in making another one for a fee? I'm no so needing a remote disarm I take that back - there are times when AHP "misses" my wife's KR10A's Dis-ARM signal

If the hack would NOT have been so simple... I would have made a video. But there isn't anything to it. The remotes buttons press down on little metal domes that short the contacts underneath. The little domes.. are held in place by a tape-like membrane. I cut off the dome and soldered wires to the contacts. DO watch for plastic parts when taking the remote apart (it has a tamper switch)! I Ran the wires to the UM506 and set it for momentary.

I will use a confirmation macro that will cause the UM506 to be powered only for a brief period of time. Limiting the widow of opportunity to automatically (or remotely) disarm the alarm. This is all part of my Occupancy Sensing project.

The plan is that nether the wife or myself will ever need to arm or disarm the alarm. The house will do this for us and report to us that it was done. Likely with just a verbal notice. But it would seem to me... if arming [and disarming] was done as via a macro that included the turning ON and OFF of a monitored module (even dummy or fake) when arming/disarming. You could check the status of the alarm remotely by checking the status of the module.

image attached
« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 07:11:56 PM by Dave_x10_L »
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