About to pull the trigger on the $15 Component Cloak (PM5900SD)/Learning Remote (UR73SD) deal. Got a few questions.
The problem I'm trying to solve is that both my bed and tv are pretty much in fixed locations in my bedroom, but I have a hard time aiming my tv remote at just the right angle for the tv to receive the IR signal. Sort of my version of the cable box is behind a cabinet door.
As I scroll down the page it shows an emitter cable. I always thought it was called an IR Blaster, but in any case, it attaches to my tv's IR receiver with clear tape I assume and plugs into the powermid receiver if not hardwired too it. Thus, allowing me to place the powermid receiver within the length of the emitter cable.
Does this imply that the powermid receiver will see my remote's IR signal and send it to the emitter cable attached to my tv?
So is the powermid receiver an "in-room" IR extender? I don't have to use both powermids in the same room if all I am needing is to "reposition" my tv's IR receiver?
Why is X-10 calling it a Cloak when the picture says powermid?
I have a UR74A remote already. What's the difference between mine and the UR73SD? Seems as if SD means recertified (repaired). The UR is Universal Remote, mostly likely. The difference between 73 and 74?