All macros are stored in the interface:
Macro A10:
- Set flag 1
- 2 second delay
- M1 On (module control - macro trigger)
- 2 second delay
- M3 On (module control - macro trigger)
- 2 second delay
- M4 On (module control - macro trigger)
- Clear flag 1
Macro M1:
- Brighten A6 to 99%
- Brighten A7 to 99%
- 5 minute delay
- M2 On (module control - macro trigger)
Macro M2:
This either dims or turns off A6 and A7.
Macro M3 and M4:
These macros are for lights in other areas.
Macro A10 is triggered by an On signal from a
motion sensor (or RF keypad). Marco A10 then
triggers Macro M1, which brightens A6 and A7.
If A6 and A7 are set to 60%, (which is there
initial timer controlled On setting), when
motion is detected their brightness settings
go to 159%.
Clicking on the M1 macro button, and
triggering via RF, both cause the brightness
to go to 100%.
Clicking on the A10 macro button, causes the
A10 and M1 lights to flash on, but nothing
else happens!
Note: without the 2 second delays in the A10
macro, only macro M4 is executed. With these
delays set to 4 seconds clicking on the A10
macro does result in the M1 macro being