This could be used to control halloween music.
Ok... This took me awhile. I found a workaround to have BXVC or AHP or remotes play mp3s or Winamp playlists, and access commands within Winamp. And it's free! And, I can now start winamp and access winamp commands via my RCA remote (RC1310A), as another benefit. I heard you guys talking about this subject and I knew it must be possible somehow... So...
There is a free command line interface for Winamp called, not too surprisingly, CLAmp ( [it's a small program, 116kb--I put it in my windows directory so it would be in my "path"--I think?].
Now when I say "Music, Maestro!", BXVC sends a command to AHP, which executes a macro, which executes a very simple batch file I wrote, which starts winamp (via the command line interface), turns on random play, clears the current playlist, opens a playlist of my choosing, selects a random song, plays it (and then the rest of the songs, randomly, of course), and then minimizes winamp. Man, I'm glad my computer now does this for me--I'm out of breath just typing it!
And when I say, "Next song, Hal" ("Hal" is the name of my computer in BXVC, named after Hal 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey), BXVC sends a command to AHP, which executes a macro, which executes my "next.bat" batch file, which tells CLAmp to tell Winamp to start the next (random, or not...) song. Takes about 2-3 seconds on my Pentium III 600. Of course, if you have your music up loud, you can pretty much forget issuing ANY commands at that point. Where is Bill's Mind Commander?
LMAO!!! She's in the kitchen, cooking Bill breakfast...
Yes, it's a bit of a convoluted way of doing things, since you must program BXVC, an AHP macro, and create a batch file (well, three or four, maybe). But each part is really very quick, easy, and painless.
I did have a couple problems, though, but they were solved fairly easily.
One problem was that, while Winamp would open the playlist and play the songs randomly, the FIRST song would always be the first song in the playlist (always the same song), and I didn't want that! No matter what I did, it would not play a random first song!!! So, I created a 1 second silent mp3, and used that as the first song in my playlist. Viola! First song is now always random.
Another problem was that in the batch file I couldn't get it to clear the playlist first, and then load a new list (which is odd because both commands worked fine by themselves...). So I actually made three batch files, and used an AHP macro to run them in succession (without adding any delay). Works perfectly now. It looked something like this:
001.bat contains:
002.bat contains:
003.bat contains:
clamp /load "d:\bands\database\orig_mp3s\bill01.m3u" /random=1 /play /minimize
next.bat contains:
clamp /next
Available Winamp commands via CLAmp:
CLAMP {Options}
It is (sometimes) possible to perform more than one task at a time by adding multiple options on the same line.
Each option must be preceeded by /
Upon success, program will quit with an exit code of 0.
Upon failure, exit code will be set to 1.
Program Control
START ............ Start Winamp
QUIT ............ Exit Winamp
Note : any following option will automatically start winamp if necessary - No need to use /START as first option.
General Control
PLAY ............ Play (current file) - Quits Stopped or Pause mode
STOP ............ Stop playing
STOPFADE ............ Stop playing with fadout
STOPAFTER ............ Stop playing after current track (returns now, stops later)
PAUSE ............ Toggle pause mode
PLAYPAUSE ............ Same as above
NEXT ............ Play next song
PREV ............ Play previous song
FWD ............ Forward 5 seconds
FORWARD ............ Same as above
REW ............ Rewind 5 seconds
REWIND ............ Same as above
RESTART ............ Restart current track from beginning (not working with Winamp 2)
Winamp Modes
REPEAT ............ Toggle Repeat mode
SWREPEAT ............ Same as above
REPEAT ON ............ Set Repeat mode ON
REPEAT=1 ............ Same as above
REPEAT OFF ............ Set Repeat mode OFF
REPEAT=0 ............ Same as above
RANDOM ............ Toggle Random mode
RANDOM ON ............ Set Random mode ON
RANDOM=1 ............ Same as above
RANDOM OFF ............ Set Random mode OFF
RANDOM=0 ............ Same as above
PlayList Control
PLADD ............ Add file(s) to end of playlist (like drag-n-drop)
LOAD ............ Same as above
PLCLEAR ............ Clear Playlist
CLEAR ............ Same as above
PL ............ Show/Hide Winamp Playlist window
PLWIN ............ Same as above
PLPOS ............ Query Playlist position
PLFIRST ............ Play first item of playlist
PLLAST ............ Play last item of playlist
Volume Control
VOLUP ............ Volume up
VOLDN ............ Volume down
VOLSET ............ Volume set (scale 0-255)
VOLMAX ............ Volume max
VOLMIN ............ Volume min (mute)
POS ............ Query current position in file and track length
POSITION ............ Query current position in file only
STATE ............ Query current state (PLAYING;PAUSED;STOPPED;NOT RUNNING)
STATUS ............ Synonym for STATE
TITLE ............ Query current track title
VER ............ Query Winamp version
Winamp Interactive Windows
ABOUT ............ Display Winamp About window
PREFS ............ Display Winamp Preferences window
OPEN ............ Display Winamp Open File window
Equalizer Control
EQWIN ............ Toggle Eq window (Works with Classic skins only)
EQINFO ............ Query Eq parameters (10 bands, Preamp, Status, Autoload)
EQSET ............ Set Eq parameters (Same format as EQINFO)
EQSTATUS ............ Toggle Eq status (ON / OFF)
EQSTATUS ON ............ Set Eq status ON
EQSTATUS OFF ............ Set Eq status OFF
Winamp Display
ONTOP ............ Toggle Always On Top option
MAINWIN ............ Toggle Main Window (Show / Hide)
MINIMIZE ............ Minimize Winamp
CDPLAY ............ Play CD
CLAMP /PLCLEAR /PLADD "MySong1.mp3" /PLADD "MySong2.mp3" /PLAY
If anyone needs more help, let me know. I could give more detailed instructions if there is a need, and if I know what people are having problems with.
--Bill Allyn