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Author Topic: PRO2000 Console problems and trouble shooting?  (Read 7251 times)


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PRO2000 Console problems and trouble shooting?
« on: October 29, 2006, 07:21:15 PM »

Bought a Security system on 10/8/2000 and have not been able to install it. The console just does not react like it is described in the Installers Guide nor in the Owners Manual.  Why did I purchased this system ? Because I wanted the feature Home arm and Home away. My first problem was getting to communicate to the console with my modem. This appears to be resolved because it now initialized the console. But I have not gotten beyond that. The console does not chime !. I have not been able to fix that nor did I have the console to give me a signal that it finished downloading. How can you determine that it is the console or the ignorance from me the installer? If any one has this unit and it is working properly, please post an answer.
The answer will help me decide to 1 send the unit back because it is defective, or give it up and get an other product.
Your help will be appreciated.


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Re: PRO2000 Console problems and trouble shooting?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2006, 03:00:58 AM »

Well I have giving up and returned the PRO2000 system. X10 insisted that I return the whole kit, which I did after I tried to just return the PRO2000 console alone and exchange it for the D7000 (ps561) console alone. What a wasted effort. Too bad that on these forums we only hear about the problems, and not about any succesfull installations and happy customers. I am still thinking about getting a Protector plus kit, but they have none with the same components that came with the PRO system.javascript:void(0);
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