Everyday I come home from work I have a couple dozen video files from all the motion detections / cameras around my house. Most of them come from the front facing the street. I do have that MS16A positioned to try and not get too much of the street, but in order to make sure I cover all my property, they do get triggered by vehicles now and then.
Usually I quickly scan each file to see if someone / something had triggered the recording, that I want to know about. But this week, that task became so much easier. Because of the snow on the ground, I just have to look at the end of the recording and look for footprints etc. that were not at the start of the recording.
There is one downfall that came with the colder weather & snow... a LOT of false triggers by the MS16A's. I don't know if it's from the heat of vehicles being a greater contrast or just from being cold; but since I don't get many falses from my backyard, I'm leaning towards the vehicles. Since this is my first cold weather season with outside motion detectors, I'm hoping some of the "Oldtimers", who live where the weather gets cold, can relate their experiences.
(P.S. I posted this question here since it's more related to motion sensors used for camera triggering. )