I sure wouldn't send all of those addressing commands at startup. What a recipe for disaster!
It is only a recipe for disaster if you are using any of those addresses for something else. If you aren't using them, it won't do any harm.
The main problem here is that Smarthome modules have no business sending preset dim's after their status response. It is completely ridiculous. Clearly AHP is not going to understand that behavior.
You are right. They should be using the proper Extended Status Request along with the Extended PresetDim. But since they aren't I was describing how to get around the problem.
The solution described here doesn't make any sense no matter how many times I read it. It isn't me as I have used Templincs and X10 thermostats with Misterhouse, not to mention all of the Smarthome modules and addressing doesn't enter into it at all. You get two commands in sequence, a manual and one of the two preset dims. If the software can make sense of it (based on what is installed), it will set the temperature or dim level. It will NOT go back and see what was addressed an hour ago on the same house code (doesn't care and imagine the potential disasters if it did!)
My intent was to explain how to read the status if you wanted to. If you don't want to, then don't worry about it. Just because you can't see a need for it, doesn't mean that no one has a need for it. Obviously if you can remember the last status you sent then that is good, but if the status is changed locally (or by another controller) then you will need to be able to read PresetDim Commands.
AllanMar said, "Clearly this isn’t the best behaviour or method of dealing with it." The best way would be to convince SmartHome to use extended commands in their modules (or hack the firmware yourself). The second best way would be to convince X10 to fix the SDK to allow you to read any PresetDim command (or re-write it yourself). My solution isn't as good as those options, but it will work for most people.