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Author Topic: Multiple VA11A Video interfaces?  (Read 15010 times)


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Re: Multiple VA11A Video interfaces?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2006, 08:46:41 PM »

Found this on multiple vanguard cams... You may have seen this already

How can I hook up and control multiple wired Vanguard cameras?

You will need a quad processor or multiplexer; you can order a 4-cam color unit for $210 by calling 800-675-3044. Hook all your Vanguard cameras into your multiplexer using the RCA video cables, directly from the wired output on each Vanguard camera. Set each Vanguard to TRANSMIT ENABLE (yes, this does not seem logical, but do so anyhow.)

Each camera comes pre-programmed as camera 1 (C1). The first camera you set up will stay C1. Program the additional cameras as C2, C3, and C4:

Pick the camera to use as C2.
Set the mode switch on the bottom of that camera to Program.
Press C2 on your remote control to set this camera to C2.
Set the mode switch back to Transmit Enable.
Repeat these steps for the rest of the cameras, using C3 for the third camera and C4 for the fourth camera.

When you turn on your TV/computer, you should now see all four cameras live on the screen at once. When you press a C1, C2, C3, or C4 button on the remote, the remote should control that camera exclusively.

Retrieved from ""

So it looks like X10 is saying the only way to get multiple Vanguard cams is to use a Video Processor.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 08:50:18 PM by KDR »
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Re: Multiple VA11A Video interfaces?
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2006, 01:43:35 PM »

I have a unit that switches 4 sources either no or nc and it uses x10 commands. There are 4 relays in the unit.
The only extra thing you need is a TW523 to interface the unit with the powerline.
email me if you are interested in the unit, it is for sale. $100 Cnd.


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Re: Multiple VA11A Video interfaces?
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2007, 05:07:10 PM »

I have video surveilance software that monitors 4 cameras, (Can monitor many more with a multiplexer) detects on screen motion, records video, acts as a server, can be viewed and controlled via my LAN or via the web.

Right now, I feed just one non x10 surveilance camera into the USB adapter and monitor it with AH pro.
If my 4 camera capture card had a RCA out signal, that would be cool, but no!!!
It would also be cool if AHpro could tap into my 4 camera video capture card.

Just day dreaming.  ;D
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